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A tour Belarus is a country of four religions

over 18 years

up to 18 years

Tour - Belarus is a country of four religions

Included in the price

  • excursions according to the program
  • certified guide services
  • transport services

Additional charge

  • other services
  • entrance tickets

The excursion program - Belarus is a country of four religions

  • Gathering the group
    Gathering the group
  • Attraction
    Attraction Church of Saints Simeon and Elena in Minsk (A red church)
    The church of Saints Simeon and Elena received a "national" name of the Red church not accidentally. The festive, solemn and "rich" image of the temple built of red color of a brick decorates one of main squares of Minsk. However very tragic story about the died children of a fundator is behind fine neoromance architecture. Do not concede to exteriors magnificence and interiors of the Red church. Its main relic - the copy of the Turin shroud transferred from Italy in 2002. Near a church, in memory of the dead at nuclear bombing, "the Bell of Nagasaki" which everyone can call is established.
  • Attraction
    Attraction Minsk Mosque
    The cathedral mosque – the only Muslim temple of the city of Minsk and the largest mosque in Eastern Europe. It opened the doors for Muslims and tourists slightly more than a year ago and already found popularity among fans of religious tourism. Here keep traditions and rules, uniform for all who cross a temple threshold: an entrance only barefoot, girls in long skirts with the covered head, clothes with the closed shoulders and hands. Heated floors are sent away by handmade carpets, walls with rich painting impress with the beauty, as well as an external festive look. From lips of the Imam you learn about the doctrine of the Prophet Muhammad and distinctions of Sunnites and Shiites. He will tell you of how the Tatars who accepted Islam and lodged on the Belarusian lands in the 19th century managed to keep the belief, customs and traditions.
  • Attraction
    Attraction Minsk Synagogue
    After by order of the empress Catherine II through Belarus there passed the line of the Jewish settled life, the Jewry is inseparably linked with story of Belarus and with any events which are taking place in the country. The Judaism brought a new note in culture and architecture. For example, in Grodno the most beautiful settles down in Europe and the oldest synagogue in the former Soviet Union, in the World were born and the third president of Israel Zalman Shazar and the large rabbi, the head of a Yeshibah in Belarus and Palestine Meltser Iser Zalman and other notable representatives spent the childhood. In more detail, and also about the device the sinagogalnykh of the yards, about way of services and training you learn about Judaism and its features at visit of one of synagogues of Minsk.
  • Attraction
    Attraction St. Elisabeth Convent
    The sacred and Elizabethan female orthodox monastery is quite young – it is about 20 years old. In spite of the fact that it was built from zero – today contains 8 temples, about 20 various workshops, a refectory and benches and other constructions in different points of Minsk and the region. Attractive Byzantine architecture of the monastery, in combination with a colourful interior, fresco paintings and the authentic atmosphere, make an indelible impression. And workshops and benches will allow you to buy the goods literally made on your manholes.
  • The end of the tour