•  02-Мая-2019
    Overall was a great experience, I was very lucky to get Natalia in both of my tours and she is really great!!! It was not very comfortable to have Natalia translating in the back of the bus, mostly because I knew we were disturbing the russian speakers and you just feel everybody is hating you for the talking talking. For good or bad I was there during holiday season but was really annoying in both places to have Natalia rushing translating what the local guide was saying, I really didn't enjoy some parts because we had to be in the back to avoid disturbing so we could understand what was happening but because of that we couldn't see most of the objects in the exhibition and it was sooooooo crowded (not your fault), at some point I didn't want to know anything and just try to see something by myself, Natalia was very good and we agreed to get only the highlights so we could see something as we had to move fast between rooms.

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