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A tour Novogrudok - Lida

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Tour - Novogrudok - Lida

Included in the price

  • excursions according to the program
  • certified guide services
  • transport services

Additional charge

  • other services
  • entrance tickets
    • Lidа Сastle 262 / 146
    • Adam Mickiewicz museum 73 / 44
  • lunch

The excursion program - Novogrudok - Lida

  • Gathering the group
    Gathering the group
  • Moving
    Moving in Novogrudok (155 km)
  • Attraction
  • Attraction
    Attraction Adam Mickiewicz Museum
    Pushkin, Ryleyev, Bestuzhev, Delwig, Vyazma admired Adam Mickiewiczs verses. He was born in the territory of present Belarus, wrote in Polish, lived and worked in Europe, and died in Turkey. However from everywhere soul pulled it home – on Novogrudchina where there will take place the excursion - among an infinite scope of the hills and fields penetrated by the rivers. There passed the childhood and Adam's youth, the house where he lived remained. In the city the monument to the best poet of an era of romanticism is established and man-made «Mound of Immortality» where long time people carried the earth from different regions of the World is built. Here the memory of the person who made a huge contribution to development of the Belarusian and Polish literatures is immortalized.
  • Attraction
    Attraction Novogrudsky Castle ruins
    Novogrudok – the first capital of Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The city with thousand-year history kept surprising landscapes of hills and the woods, the view of which opens from Zamkova Hora. And on it ruins of the majestic castle where many centuries Mindovg was crowned back tower. The Novogrudsky lock, located at hill top, is visible for many kilometers from the city – its towers as if giants, are cut down from a boulder, from a distance reported about power and greatness of fortress.
  • Museum
    Kastus Kachan gallery is located in a building in the style of a traditional noble estate and is a private art gallery of the famous Belarusian painter Kastus Kachan. In the gallery there are works of Kastus Kachan, as well as exhibits of the glass factory «Neman», antique furniture and household items.
    In the gallery you can visit excursions, master classes, creative events. Here you can drink coffee for live music, buy cards and reproductions.
  • Lunch
  • Moving
    Moving in Lida (53 km)
  • Attraction
    Attraction Cathedral of St. Michael The Archangel in Lida (visual inspection)
    Having seen it, you hardly learn in the cathedral is mute. Before you the beautiful palace will be. However, having thumbed through pages of the past of Sacred and Mikhaylovsky church, you learn in what a secret of its shape and history. How fate of the temple existing since the time of Public relations of the 17th century up to now was?
  • Attraction
    Attraction Exaltation of the Cross church in Lida (visual inspection)
    Long time in Lida attempts construction of Catholic temples anyway became. However all of them came to the end extremely tragically – pagan aggression, disapproval of the prince, the fires of crusaders. So was to the middle of the 18th century. In 1770 in the city the Roman Catholic Parish Church of Erection of the Sacred Cross appeared. The outstanding architect, the founder of refined architectural style, after called "vilensky baroque" - Johann Christoph Glaubits became the architect of the project.
  • Attraction
    Attraction Lidа castle
    In 1323 the prince Gedimin gave the order to put the stone lock to cover to knights the road to the center of lands of the principality Lithuanian. In 5 years the kostel was built. Time the lock was besieged by the English, German, French knights. The Lidsky lock is "time machine" and a fascinating travel to the Middle Ages where continually there is a place to romanticism and knightly valor. Here everyone will be able to feel as the ancient soldier, having tried on an armor and to like the mystical atmosphere, having learned what ghost protects a citadel.
  • Moving
    Moving in Minsk (175 km)
  • The end of the tour