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Novogrudsky Castle ruins

Type: Locks, fortresses, strengthenings Date of Foundation: 17 century Status: The international value Republic of Belarus, Grodno region, Novogrudok, Zamkovaya str.

The ruins of the Novogrudok Castle are one of the oldest and most famous historical monuments in Belarus, located in the town of Novogrudok, Grodno Region. The castle was built in the 12th century and served as an important fortress and the residence of Lithuanian princes. Today, only the ruins remain, but it continues to attract tourists interested in history and architecture. Tours of Belarus often include a visit to the ruins of Novogrudok Castle, where visitors can learn about its significance and see the remains of the ancient fortress. You can book a tour from Minsk and visit this historic site to feel the atmosphere of the Middle Ages and immerse yourself in the rich history of Belarus. Tours of the castle allow visitors to learn important moments from its past and get acquainted with the history of the region.

Individual and corporate excursions - Novogrudsky Castle ruins

Location map - Novogrudsky Castle ruins

Address Republic of Belarus, Grodno region, Novogrudok, Zamkovaya str. GPS Google: 53.601455′ N, 25.827714′ E