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Photo - Novogrudok

The population: 29.4 thousand. Status: Average The year of foundation: 1044 Grodno region, Novogrudok district

Location - Novogrudok

Novogrudok is the administrative center of the Novogrudok district of the Grodno region. The city is located 132 km from Minsk, 154 km from Grodno. Novogrudok is located at the intersection of three important roads: P5 (Baranavichy - Novogrudok - Ivye), P10 (Lyubcha - Novogrudok - Dyatlovo) and P11 (Porechani - Novogrudok - Nesvizh), and 50 km from the main Belarusian highway M1 (Brest - Minsk - border of the Russian Federation).

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History of the development - Novogrudok

Novogrudok - one of the oldest cities of Belarus. Its history is closely connected with the birth of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. According to the excavations that were carried out on the territory of the city, the settlement was already here in the X century. At the same time, residents have already come to terms with Byzantium, the Middle East and other areas. Further, archaeologists report that the settlement consisted of two unfortified parts. Only in the second half of the 11th century, a unit appeared, and a suburb was formed on the territory of the Small Castle. In the annals the first mention is connected with the beginning of the existence of Novogrudok and dates back to 1044. In the next century, the foundation of the future impregnable fortress was laid.

In 1253, the first prince of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Mindovg was crowned in this place. This was the reason why Novogrudok became the first capital of the future great state. In the future, around the city, the descendants of Mindovg unite the lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: Pinskaya, Nalshany and Devoltva. In the XIV century begin to build stone castle, the construction of which was completed only after two centuries. The result was an impressive structure, which had seven towers and for a long time did not give in to any conqueror.

In 1316, the Orthodox Metropolitan Department appeared in Novogrudok. Then it becomes Uniate, after the conclusion of Brest Union in 1596. In the 16th century, about 10 churches functioned on the territory of the city. But the story decreed that a synagogue, a mosque, as well as 5 churches and 6 monasteries appeared later. It is worth noting that it was in the church of Novogrudok that the King of Poland, Jagiello and Sophia Golshana, were married, who laid the foundation for the existence of a new dynasty of Yagielon.

At the beginning of the 16th century, Novogrudok became the center of the voivodship, and in 1511 it received Magdeburg Law. The coat of arms, which, in accordance with the rules, received the city, had an image of the Archangel Michael. Unfortunately, this next century brought to this place devastation and extinction due to urban fires, epidemics and military events. At the end of the XVIII century Novogrudok falls into the Russian Empire in connection with the sections Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Further, it is a county town.

It should be noted the activity of the local gentry. Representatives of Novogrudok selflessly participated in the uprisings of 1830-1831, as well as in the uprising led by K. Kalinowski , for which he received punishment from the Russian authorities. The World War I spent this land under the German occupation, during which she came to a state of devastation. And in 1919, the Soviet government came here, but not for long: according to the result of the Soviet-Polish war, Novogrudchin became part of the Polish state until 1939. The Great Patriotic War also passed through the lands of Novogrudok. Next to this city, tragic events took place, the so-called «Novogrudsky cauldron», when the Red Army units were surrounded by German invaders. During the war years, more than 45 thousand people died here. After the liberation, restoration work began. Since 1954, Novogrudok officially became a city of the Grodno region.

For a long time, the city was often exposed to external destructive effects: wars, fires, uprisings. However, he was able to withstand and reach our days a modern center. Today it is a district center, in which unique attractions, developed were created infrastructure, scenic spots and a pleasant atmosphere. This region is rich in industrial production, a network of schools, cultural facilities and hospitals.

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Tourism potential - Novogrudok

One of the most ancient Belarusian cities, the capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the modern city today, Novogrudok is one of the most popular tourist destinations. This place has deep historical roots and is ready to show guests all its secrets. Moreover, each tourist will not only get an unforgettable impression of the sights, but also be able to spend pleasant time in entertainment centers, as well as stay in one of the hotels.

One of the main attractions of Novogrudok is Castle. Wars and fires destroyed most of it, however, today we can see parts of it, in particular, the Shield and Kostelnye towers. There are many legends associated with this place that can be told by the locals. In the castle every year they spend Knight Festival, which gathers thousands of spectators from all over Belarus and from neighboring countries. No less interesting place was the so-called «Mount Mindovg». This is a high hill, which is associated with a lot of stories. According to one version, the founder of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Prince Mindovg was buried in this place. Proponents say that at the end of his life’s journey he decided to be buried as a heathen. According to another version, his coronation took place on the hill. In 1993, on the occasion of the 740th anniversary of the coronation of Mindovg, a memorial sign was erected near the hill, and in 2014, the sculptors created a metal sculpture of the prince.

There are in Novogrudok and other historic buildings. These include shopping arcades in the central square, ordinary buildings built up under Polish influence, as well as the railway station. It is worth noting that at the beginning of the 20th century, during the First World War, a narrow-gauge railway was built here, which connected Novoielnya and Lyubcha. Its main goal was military. Then after the Great Patriotic War, the road was restored after the destruction, but over time it lost its relevance and was dismantled. The station building today is used as a bus station.

Fate is one of the most famous natives of the Belarusian lands Adam Mickiewicz, closely connected with Novogrudok. In the city today there is a museum dedicated to his life and work, and there is also a mound, which was poured in his honor and monument. The Immortal Mound was poured in 1924-1931 and is a rather rare representative of this kind of monuments: it is not often the mound is poured in honor of a particular person. By the way, it is worth noting that in Novogrudok there is a bust of Vladimir Vysotsky, who lived not far from the city with Marina Vlady.

Unique is the Museum of Jewish Resistance, which was founded in 2007. The place was not chosen by chance: there was a ghetto in the barracks during World War II until 1943. However, 227 prisoners decided to fight for life and were able to dig a tunnel that led into the forest. As a result, these lives were saved with the help of the partisan Jewish detachment Belsky. In 2007, archaeological excavations were carried out, which confirmed the reality of the existence of the tonella, from that moment on a museum was created. Today he can show the history of the Holocaust both in general and in relation to Novogrudchin.

The Lost Heritage Museum has become quite modern and interesting. This is an open-air exhibition, which represents reduced copies of the architectural monuments of the Novogrudok lands that were lost for one reason or another. Among the exhibits there is a model of the church, which once stood on the Zamkova mountain, Novogrudskaya town hall, a synagogue and many others. It is worth noting also the center of crafts, which was created with the aim of preserving and reviving different types of crafts, as well as for conducting classes and master classes. Today it is popular not only among locals, but also among tourists.

The Kastus Kachan Gallery, which opened its doors in 2014, became an attractive modern art center. The famous and talented artist conceived to create a real gallery much earlier, and as a result he chose this particular place: the former manor of the XIX century. The original structure was in disrepair, but the artist created a project for a new building with historical authenticity. Today it is an unusual place not only for excursions and acquaintance with the works of K. Kachan, but also a great place for inspiration and creativity of various kinds for anyone who knows how to see the beautiful.

The city is also rich in religious monuments of architecture. The most ancient are Holy church of the Transfiguration, Church of St. Michael the Archangel andBorisoglebskaya Church. An interesting structure is Church of St. Nicholas, which was built in the XVIII century. But not only Christian churches hFresiave survived to this day. In Novogrudok you can see a wooden mosque of 1855. Believers come here in our time.

Thus, we can say that Novogrudok is a great place to visit. Here you can feel the ancient history, listen to legends and touch the monuments of the past centuries. At the same time, this city provides an opportunity to culturally spend time, relax and visit various places.

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Where to go in the Novogrudok? All about restaurants, entertainment and other services

Individual and corporate excursions - Novogrudok

Location map - Novogrudok

GPS Google: 53.5952987′ N, 25.8239994′ E