Donarit printing house
To book a tourPrinting house «Donarit» is one of the largest private printing houses in the Republic of Belarus, which began its journey in 1996. What is important for the company is stability and honesty in work, the ability to perform high-quality, fairly complex multi-color work.
Printing house «Donarit» offers a wide selection of printing products. The company has about 80 employees, and a client base of more than 2,000 customers - trust earned over a long period of work.
During a excursion to the printing house «Donarit», tourists will get acquainted with modern printing, materials and professions necessary for the production of printed products. You will also be able to gain a practical understanding of the full cycle of creating high-quality products by taking part in a real production master class. All guests will enjoy an exciting quiz and a drawing of valuable prizes. At the end of the excursion, everyone in the group will receive pleasant gifts.
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Individual and corporate excursions - Donarit printing house
Excursion to the Donarit printing house
- Dates on request
- Duration: 01:00 hour
- excursions according to the program
- transport services