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Tour Brest fortress - Belovezhskaya puscha

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Schedule a group tour team Brest fortress - Belovezhskaya puscha

The cost of excursions is approved in Belarusian rubles and in other currencies it is indicated for reference. When paying in other currencies, the total cost may differ from that indicated on the site, depending on the rate of the card issuing bank.


Date More places Price adult Price child up to 18 years Additional information
07:00 22-February (Saturday) Available seats: +17 6'377 5'797
07:00 01-March (Saturday) The group is in progress 6'377 5'797
07:00 08-March (Saturday) Available seats: +18 6'377 5'797
07:00 22-March (Saturday) The group is in progress 6'377 5'797
07:00 29-March (Saturday) The group is in progress 6'377 5'797
07:00 05-April (Saturday) Available seats: +16 6'377 5'797
07:00 12-April (Saturday) The group is in progress 6'377 5'797
07:00 19-April (Saturday) The group is in progress 6'377 5'797
07:00 26-April (Saturday) The group is in progress 6'377 5'797
07:00 03-May (Saturday) Available seats: +33 6'377 5'797
07:00 10-May (Saturday) Available seats: +38 6'377 5'797
07:00 17-May (Saturday) Available seats: +39 6'377 5'797
07:00 24-May (Saturday) Available seats: +37 6'377 5'797
07:00 31-May (Saturday) Available seats: +38 6'377 5'797
07:00 07-June (Saturday) The group is in progress 6'377 5'797
07:00 14-June (Saturday) The group is in progress 6'377 5'797
07:00 21-June (Saturday) The group is in progress 6'377 5'797
07:00 28-June (Saturday) The group is in progress 6'377 5'797
07:00 05-July (Saturday) The group is in progress 6'377 5'797
07:00 12-July (Saturday) The group is in progress 6'377 5'797
07:00 19-July (Saturday) The group is in progress 6'377 5'797
07:00 26-July (Saturday) The group is in progress 6'377 5'797
07:00 02-August (Saturday) The group is in progress 6'377 5'797
07:00 09-August (Saturday) The group is in progress 6'377 5'797
07:00 16-August (Saturday) Available seats: +45 6'377 5'797
07:00 23-August (Saturday) The group is in progress 6'377 5'797
07:00 30-August (Saturday) The group is in progress 6'377 5'797
07:00 06-September (Saturday) The group is in progress 6'377 5'797
07:00 13-September (Saturday) The group is in progress 6'377 5'797

Included in the price

  • certified guide services
  • entrance tickets
  • supply
  • transport services
  • excursions according to the program
Distance: 800 km
Duration: 16:30 hour
Kind: Bus-Walking tours
Language of training: Russian

In just one day you will visit two iconic places in Belarus - the Brest Hero Fortress and the oldest European reserve, a UNESCO monument - Belovezhskaya Pushcha. A tour includes Fortress complex and a museum of defense. In the forest - a bus tour with stops in the ancient forest and demonstration enclosures.

The excursion program

The excursion program - Brest fortress - Belovezhskaya puscha

  • Gathering the group
  • Moving
    Moving in Brest (350 km)
  • Attraction
    Attraction Cathedral of St. Simeon in Brest (visual inspection)
    The Brest Cathedral of St. Simeon is the main Orthodox church in the city, which is its true decoration and pride. Built in 1865 in the pseudo-Russian style, the cathedral looks especially majestic in the evening in the rays of night illumination. One of the main shrines of the temple are the relics of St. Martyr Athanasius, Abbot of Brest, who despite tortures and torments did not renounce Orthodoxy. Today, the monument to Athanasius of Brest was installed near the cathedral.
  • Attraction
    Attraction Brest Fortress
    During the excursion before you pages of history of terrible days of the beginning of war when at sunrise on June 22, 1941 the garrison of the Brest fortress the first assumed blows of fascist aggressors will open and more than a month held the fort in a full environment. Already on an entrance you will be met by a shrill voice of Yu. Levitan with the government message about attack on the Soviet Union of troops of fascist Germany and the song by A. Alexandrov the «Sacred war» which became the anthem of those years. On May 8, 1965 fortresses the rank «fortress hero» is given.
  • Museum
    Museum Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress
    The Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress is a museum whose exposition reflects not only the military actions of 1941 on the territory of the fortress, but also the history of its construction, as well as the largest battles of the Great Patriotic War and the liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders. The Museum of the defense was opened in 1956, since that time its area and exposition have doubled up, items from excavations, works of art, military documents, photographs are presented here. The most valuable among all items of the exposition are the records of S.S. Smirnov with memories of the participants in the defense of the Brest Fortress.
  • Attraction
    Attraction Church of St. Nicholas in Brest
    Church of St. Nicholas in Brest - is a magnificent example of a temple in retrospective Russian style, the first mention of which dates back to 1390. According to legend, the church was built with the means of a merchant who, having got bogged down in the river, was able to free himself only by giving a promise to build a church in Brest in the name of St. Nicholas. The church had its own long history - so, here was one of the oldest in Belarus cathedral brotherhood, operated a hospital.
  • Lunch
  • Moving
  • Attraction
    Attraction National Park «Belovezhskaya puscha»

    Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park is one of largest tourist centers of the Republic of Belarus. It is considered one of the oldest nature reserves in the world, whose history goes back centuries.

    Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a real wonder of the world. Once there, not a single person remains indifferent. Ancient forests, a huge variety of animals, as well as the symbol of Belovezhskaya Pushcha - bison. In terms of the number of plant and animal species, the national park has no equal in Europe.

    A sightseeing tourof Belovezhskaya Pushcha is carried out with stops along the route for a more detailed acquaintance with individual objects of the National Park. The duration of the tour is about 1-1.5 hours. During the tour, visitors first of all get acquainted with the features of the primeval forest, its flora, can admire various landscapes, see a 600-year-old oak tree, a 350-year-old pine tree, a hermit oak, the Tsarskaya Polyana recreation area, the village of Lyadsky much more.
  • Attraction
    Attraction Demonstration open-air cages with wild animals
    Demonstration open-air cages are located near the Museum of the nature of Bialowieza Forest. On the area about 20 hectares you will see main types of the animals living in Bialowieza Forest. Here close it is possible to see also forest inhabitants, to treat with a bread piece, apple or a branch of the bisons who got used to visitors, elks, boars, a tarpanovidny horse or a bear.
  • Moving
    Moving in Minsk (360 km)
  • The end of the tour

Map of the tour route Brest fortress - Belovezhskaya puscha

Traveller's reviews

  • 28-September-2024 В целом экскурсия познавательная. Экскурсовод очень интересно рассказывал. Но большую часть времени провели в транспорте. Мало времени на походы пешком, все как-то быстро и "на бегу". Тем не менее спасибо всем, кто был с нами. Есть желание ещё сюда приехать
  • 24-August-2024 Это самая длительная экскурсия из всех, на которых мы были. Но то, что мы увидели, узнали, почувствовали - перекрывает все физические затраты. Нам повезло (или нет) с погодой - жара под 30 градусов. Но автобус новейший, кондиционер работал, водитель вёз бережно
  • Вячеслав, Rostov-na-Dony
    Brest fortress - Belovezhskaya puscha
    10-August-2024 Выбирая тур хотели увидеть все своими глазами и реликтовый лес, и исторически важное место в жизни любого школьника 70-х, 80-х. Все получилось на прекрасном уровне, спасибо организаторам