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Tatar mosque in Novogrudok

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Type: Mosques, Wooden architecture Style: Classicism Date of Foundation: 1855 year Status: Regional value The Republic of Belarus, Grodno region, Novogrudok

Mosque in Novogrudok was first built in 1792. However, in 1855, thanks to the efforts of retired Major Alexander Asanovich mosque was rebuilt or erected on the site of a pre-existing - more precisely, historians have not been able to establish. The mosque is a monument of wooden architecture of the Grodno region.

Before 1939 he worked next to the mosque religious school - Mekteb. After World War II Mosque in Novogrudok was closed and rebuilt under the house. And only in 1994 the building of the mosque was returned to believers. After restoration work July 11, 1997 the mosque reopened.

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Photo - Tatar mosque in Novogrudok

Location map - Tatar mosque in Novogrudok

Address The Republic of Belarus, Grodno region, Novogrudok GPS Google: 53.593839′ N, 25.82627′ E