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Trinity Church in Druya

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Type: Katolik churches Style: Baroque Date of Foundation: 1643 - 1646 yy Status: Republican value Braslavsky district, town Druja

Trinity Catholic Church - a monument of architecture of the early Baroque. Erected through the efforts of Lev Sapieha - owner Drouhin - in the years 1643-1646. at the monastery of bernardinets. The two-story building adjacent to the church of the monastery, and with it forms a closed quadrangle of buildings with a patio. The whole complex is surrounded by a fence with a baroque brama later period of construction (the second half of the XVIII century).

Decor temple has renessansovy character and is one of the first examples of a new approach to interior decoration of religious buildings. In the interior of its arches have a rich decoration of stucco.

Church is a three-nave basilica with a semicircular presbytery and sacristy. Due to the height and position on the steep bank of the Western Dvina temple dominates the settlement. The monumental four-tiered tower built in 1772 is crowned baroque dome. The walls of the presbytery and the side aisles strengthened kontroforsami. Remained the main altar 1764-1767 years. Late Baroque and four side altars made in the Rococo style in 1779.

In 1944, due to hit in the temple of aviation bomb was a fire, valuable furnishings were lost, destroyed by the body in the Rococo style, wooden carving. After the Second World War, the church was closed and secured for local enterprise reclamation. From 1949 to 1989 years there were various educational institutions (Civil Engineering College, Technical School, School of Reclamation). The relic was returned to believers only in 1989. Today, the church and convent completely renovated and are monuments of national importance.

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Photo - Trinity Church in Druya

Location map - Trinity Church in Druya

Address Braslavsky district, town Druja GPS Google: 55.788205′ N, 27.463171′ E