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E.Ozheshko manor with chapel-tomb

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Type: Palaces, Parks, squares, Cemeteries, burial places, chapels Date of Foundation: 1853 year Status: Regional value Brest region

The Zakozelsky estate - a monument of farmstead and park architecture, was created in the 19th century as an entail property of Ozheshko. The complex includes the farmstead house, distillery, a chapel tomb, the landscape park.

Chapel - a monument of architecture of retrospective and Gothic style from a light-red brick. Over an entrance - the coat of arms Ozheshek. According to a legend, in a chapel the Polish writer hid one of heads of a revolt of 1863 - 1864 years of the general R. Traugutt.

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Location map - E.Ozheshko manor with chapel-tomb

Address Brest region GPS Google: 52.129084′ N, 25.002749′ E