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Factories concrete and plastic products Betoplast»

Factory concrete and plastic products «Betoplast» has been manufacturing forms of fiberglass panels for fences, a small park and garden architecture, fountains, sculptures, urns, paving tiles, and more. Various flower pots, benches, urns, vases, special beds and other elements of landscape design are the most popular products of the plant.

The history of the plant «Betoplast» begins in 2004, when it was organized by the company for the production of consumer goods made of concrete, plastic. From the very threshold «Betoplast» shows a large collection of sculptures, fountains, placed in front of the entrance to the plant. Guests of the enterprise will be able to get acquainted with the process of creating products of concrete, plastic, see the masterpieces of production, and even try to create the product yourself. Particularly interesting this tour will be the students of architectural and engineering schools, as well as those interested in the history of the plastic products.

Location map - Factories concrete and plastic products Betoplast»

Address Republic of Belarus, Brest region, Kobrin, st. Kalinina, 44a GPS Google: 52.239942′ N, 24.370245′ E