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Troitsk cathedral in Hotimsk

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Type: Churches Date of Foundation: 1873 year Status: Regional value Republic of Belarus, Mogilev region, Hotimsk, Kirovstreet, 24

Troitsk cathedral - a monument of architecture of second half of XIX-th century. It is constructed on means of local residents in 1873 to year in honor of serfdom cancellation. Its building has been during 12 years.

For the first time the temple has been closed in 1938. In a district executive committee court yard have burned icons, church have decapitated, a belfry have destroyed. Here there was a bank, then mechanization school, regional Recreation center. During war Germans have transformed a cathedral into a bastion, and after clearing of a city the building long was empty. In 1954 it has been again converted in Recreation center. In 1992 a building have returned to orthodox church, have restored towers of domes, gate and the fencings, two chapels have constructed. In 2004 in honor of the Victory 60 anniversary the bell has been cast and delivered to donations for a cathedral in Hotimsk is powerful 1280 kg. Now at a cathedral the tserkovno-parish school with children”s church chorus, library works, mugs.

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Location map - Troitsk cathedral in Hotimsk

Address Republic of Belarus, Mogilev region, Hotimsk, Kirovstreet, 24 GPS Google: 53.410056′ N, 32.582721′ E