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Stars Square

Type: The square and urban development Date of Foundation: 2003 year Status: Without a category Republic of Belarus, Mogilev, Lenin str., near the cinema

Stars Square in Mogilev - is a modern visiting card of the city. It is located in the historical center of Mogilev. It was established in its present form by municipal authorities initiative in 2003 as cultural center of the city. Square perfectly complements the architecture and appearance of the walking street of Lenin, where historic buildings, many cafes, restaurants and clubs are concentrated.

Central place of the Stars Square devoted bronze sculptures of Vladimir Zhbanov - 7 meter astrologer looks at the 4-meter telescope and all around there are 12 sculptures of chairs each marked with a birthstone. This sculptural complex functions as sundial: astrologer with a telescope is an arrow, and the birthstones shape dial. Among citizens there is a sign that the one who sits on a chair for "their birthstone" will be lucky.

"Star" theme of Square were continued by 2-meter stone plates setting into the paving tiles. Stones have image of a five-pointed star inscribed in a circle and the person's name who is the subject of a star. The most prominent and well-known Mogilev residents: honorary citizens of the city, athletes, cultural figures so perpetuate. Now it has installed 13 stars. Every year on the Stars Square in Mogilev 1-2 new stars "light".

Stars Square rightfully gaining the status of the main square.

Individual and corporate excursions - Stars Square

Location map - Stars Square

Address Republic of Belarus, Mogilev, Lenin str., near the cinema GPS Google: 53.902303′ N, 30.340739′ E