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Еstate of Count Starzhinsky

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Type: Palaces, Parks, squares Style: Baroque Date of Foundation: 20 century Status: Without a category Republic of Belarus, Minsk region, Myadel district, Komorovo

Manor «Komarovo» had more than 30 different structures (20 ha) and belonged to Hominski, and in the second half of XIX century as the dowry of his wife took over the graph Starzhincki , whose family estate was in Strable, near Warsaw. The Count”s estate was formed in the early XX a. and consisted of a manor house, park, garden, greenhouse, office buildings, large economic court, several access roads to the majestic brama, water system.

For now preserved manor house and two auxiliary wings, two barn, entrance gate, farm buildings, landscaped park with two ponds. To fit 4 manor road from the north, south, east and west, the central entry to the estate on the south side. On the western side of the square stone gate - the main entry to the estate. Near the gate are two of the rubble stone barn. From the entrance gate is lined with maples, the central avenue, which divides estate on the northern and southern parts.

Manor House one-story, U-shaped in plan. In the corners decorated with rusticated blades, window openings - candriks The front ground floor is small, in the form of a rectangle. On three sides closed.

Include business buildings stands a barn, which stands near the entrance gate. This is a massive, rectangular in plan, the building covered with gable roof. Its walls are built of large quarry stone polished, angled poles - made of bricks. Of brick and some decorative elements: design of the access opening, window frames, triangular pediment Allen, stepped cornice. The combination of brick and rubble stone forms a contrasting color decision gives the structure of beauty.

Southern part of the estate is landscape park. The park goes down to the creek and bounded by two ponds. The park grows mostly single trees or small groups of deciduous trees: alder, ash, elm, linden, maple, poplar. On the south side of the central alley on the terrace pripoymennoy landscape is part of the park, which closed two large reservoirs, separated by a causeway. There was a mill. Survived a few tall trees up to 27 meters and a trunk diameter of nearly a meter. In the homestead are four roads in the casing which used native species: willow brittle, linden, maple, ash, poplar, Petrovsky, large-lime. Alley, across the field, gave the greatness of estate.

Currently, in the former mansion Agricultural High School is located, a little to one side - Center for Business Development in the countryside ”Komarovo”, whose main task is - the development of rural tourism in the resort area of ​​Lake Naroch and promotion of cultural and historical heritage Naroch region.

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Photo - Еstate of Count Starzhinsky

Location map - Еstate of Count Starzhinsky

Address Republic of Belarus, Minsk region, Myadel district, Komorovo GPS Google: 54.90177′ N, 26.396456′ E