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Manor of Karchevskyh

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Type: Palaces, Wooden architecture Date of Foundation: 1 century Status: Regional value Republic of Belarus, Grodno region, Oshmiany district, Benyuny

Manor of Karchevskyh is known from the beginning of XVI century. For centuries, estate owners often changed. The manor house was built in 1828 year by Jozef Karchevsky. According to the plan the yard owner had to have the form of a short "horseshoe". But the full plan failed to translate into reality. The main rectangular housing and a part of the right wing were built only.

Manor became rather not typical for the time. The building stands on the high stone foundation. On the ground floor were: bakery, cheese dairy and cellars, which were used for household purposes. The main entrance was in the south end and led to a second residential floor, it is decorated with a wooden portico on four wooden pylons topped with a triangular pediment with a semicircular window. To the right of the entrance was placed the inscription - 1828.

Second floor was made of wood. There were ten large rooms as enfilade and several small ones. The middle of the house occupied by two salons, one on the east side, the other on the west. From the north side were room and dining room.

The collection of paintings and family heirlooms were in Benyuny. Jozef Karchevsky has collected valuable library, consisting of more than 3000 tomes, documents and manuscripts, dating from the XVI century. There were papers and books in Latin, French and German on legislation, history and literature. Many books have been signed by Joseph Karchevsky. In 1939 year, the library was confiscated and taken Soviets.

Park didn't exist in Benyuny. The estate was located on four terraces. The garden with flowers and a vegetable garden were on the north side, on the top terrace. On another terrace, located gentry house, surrounded by flowerbeds and lawns. On the terrace, which is located behind the manor house, also grew flowers. On the lowest terrace was a pond with fish. The manor house was led alley, bordered by lime trees and poplars.

After World War II the manor was converted into a high school, which was closed in the early 90s.

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Photo - Manor of Karchevskyh

Location map - Manor of Karchevskyh

Address Republic of Belarus, Grodno region, Oshmiany district, Benyuny GPS Google: 54.233531′ N, 26.165951′ E