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Photo - Varnyany

The population: 1.3 thousand. Status: Village The year of foundation: 1391 Grodno region, Ostrovets district

Location - Varnyany

Varnyany is an agro-town in the Ostrovets district of the Grodno region. The agro-town is located 250 km from Grodno and 170 km from Minsk.

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History of the development - Varnyany

The first written mention of Varnyany dates back to 1391. In 1462, a church was founded in the village. At the end of the XVI century, Smolensk governor Yan Abramovich founded a Calvinist gathering here, during which a hospital and a school operated. As a result of the third partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1795, the Varnyany became part of the Russian Empire. In World War I in 1915, the Varnyany were occupied by German troops. Since 1922 the village has been part of the interwar Polish Republic. In 1939, the Varnyany became part of the BSSR.

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Tourism potential - Varnyany

The main attraction of the agro-town is Varniansky Church of St. George, which was built in the middle of the XVIII century.

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Where to go in the Varnyany? All about restaurants, entertainment and other services

Individual and corporate excursions - Varnyany

Location map - Varnyany

GPS Google: 54.728521′ N, 26.003354′ E