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Tour Stalin Line

Book a tour The excursion program

Route: Minsk
Duration: 04:00 hour
Kind: Bus-Walking tours
Language of training: Russian
The Stalin Line Historical and Cultural Complex is one of the most ambitious fortification ensembles in Belarus. It is intended not only to perpetuate the grandiose system of defensive fortifications of the districts of Stalin’s Line, but also to become a symbol of the heroic struggle of the Soviet people against the Nazi invaders.
The excursion program

The excursion program - Stalin Line

  • Gathering the group
  • Moving
    Moving in Loshany (38 km)
  • Attraction
    Attraction Stalin Line historical and cultural complex
    From 1930th years there has begun the existence «Stalin's Line» - the system of nodal defensive works. Huge territories were occupied by her: from the Karelian Isthmus to coast of the Black Sea. On the basis of the Minsk ukreprayon the complex of the same name - «Stalin's Line» is created. Here the collection of the military and engineering equipment, largest in the CIS, which belongs both to the period of the Great Patriotic War and by post-war time is collected and also defensive works are presented a different look.
  • The end of the tour

Map of the tour route Stalin Line