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Museum of folk arts «Bezdezhskiy fartushok»

To book a tour
Type: Ethnographic Location: Drogichin, Brest region

Museum of folk art "Bezdezhsky fartushok" opened in 1999 in a former bezdezhskoy school. The museum has collected and preserved the unique creations of local craftswomen - craftswomen. Under exposure given to 5 rooms demonstration area 227 m2. The museum has exhibits of 1289, of which the main fund is 1252, the auxiliary science is 37. The fund consists of the rich material of weaving and embroidery on Bezdezh and residents of nearby villages. Gem of the collection consists of 246 embroidered aprons. Collections are interesting in that the secrets of embroidery and weaving handed down from generation to generation, while maintaining their uniqueness. In 2009 museum was awarded a special prize of the President of the Republic of Belarus to culture and art to create a unique collection of authentic folk art patterns, a significant contribution to the preservation and promotion of local crafts, customs and dialects, "Diploma of the Brest Oblast Council of Deputies". The research activities of the museum aims to explore the history of the village Bezdezh, customs and traditions of local residents. It also explores crafts and technology some items.

In Bezdezh survived spring rite, which exists only in the area - "Arrow" (in local - strylka). He is driving a round dance at the church of the Holy Trinity. All those in the area of church culture hold hands, sing songs, dance in a circle, not a circle but an arrow. A kind of dance to the form of a triangle, inside which are girls - "Grains" and only after that the round dance with a sunrise on the west begin spring field work and festivities after Lent. Secrets of weaving and embroidery Bezdezh, a village which was first mentioned in chronicles in the XIII century, passed down from generation to generation. The museum features national and farmstead - a fragment of the hut, which was built in the late XIX - early XX centuries, Household villagers. On the catwalk represented the processing of flax. The museum operates two circles for girls - the class of embroidery and lace, the best works are exhibited. Of cultural events at the museum include lectures, museum and educational activities, the celebration of Orthodox Easter, the event "Night of Museums". The museum sold merchandise, which is made master Drogichin district.

Schedule Museum of folk arts «Bezdezhskiy fartushok»

  • Administration 09:00 - 18:00 without days off
  • Cash 09:00 - 18:00 without days off
  • Exposure 09:00 - 18:00 without days off

Location map - Museum of folk arts «Bezdezhskiy fartushok»

Address 225848, Republic of Belarus, Brest region, Drogichin district, Bezdezh, Pioneer st., 9 GPS Google: 52.322488′ N, 52.322488′ E