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Kobrin Military History Museum of A.V. Suvorov

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Type: Historical The exhibition: 3 Location: Kobrin, Brest region
Kobrin Military History Museum of A.V. Suvorov was established in 1946. It is the only museum in the Republic of Belarus, which is named after the great Russian commander AV Suvorov and directly related to the life and work of A. Suvorov. The house, which opened the first exhibition (1948), Suvorov was donated by Empress Catherine II in 1795 as part of the estate Kobrin key commander and belonged to the end of life. Now this house is a memorial exhibition that introduces the life and activities of the military commander. Exposure at home Suvorov based on authentic objects XVIII century, reflecting the era of AV Suvorov. The exhibition "Seven centuries Kobrin's" dedicated to the military history of Kobrin land and covers the historical period from the XIII to XX century. A feature of this museum is that it contains the original subjects XVI - XIX centuries. The Suvorov Museum was awarded a special prize of the President of the Republic of Belarus (Collection "Museology"), 2006.

The museum is housed in two buildings of the demonstration area of 861 m2. The total number of museum objects is 52787, of which the main fund 24265, scientific support - 28522. All museum exhibits are housed in the permanent collections of the two. There are also temporary traveling exhibition (from 2 to 5). Of cultural events are held in the exhibition hall of the museum and educational activities, "On a visit to the poet and partisan" - the theatrical interactive session for middle and high school students. Classes "Leafing through pages of wisdom" held the exhibition of books for middle and high school students. Lectures on topics Kobrinschiny stories are read using photographic material and books. Action "Museum Night" held once a year in theatrical form, with games, contests, dances and other entertainment programs on a particular topic. In the museum there is a merchandise of various kinds: Printed publications, brochures, magnets, ceramics, weaving, embroidery, decorative arts, paintings, crafts.

Photo - Kobrin Military History Museum of A.V. Suvorov

    Exposure - Kobrin Military History Museum of A.V. Suvorov

    1. «Seven centuries of Kobrin» Weapons, uniforms, equipment, numismatics, art and life, faleristics, documents and photographs. The exhibition is devoted to the military history of Kobrin in the context of the military history of Belarus. Covers the historical period from the XIII century (the first recorded Kobrin) until the twentieth century (the period of the war in Afghanistan). Reflects the events of wars XVII - XVIII centuries, War of 1812, the First and Second World Wars. A distinctive feature of the exhibition - the original weapons and armor XVI - XVIII centuries., Authentic uniforms XVIII - XIX centuries, Rare objects from the collections of numismatics and faleristics.
    2. «Open space of weapons and armor» At the site are samples of weapons and vehicles of the Soviet army from different periods: 76-mm gun ZIS-3 model 1942, BTR-60 armored vehicles, combat reconnaissance and patrol vehicle BRDM-2, and chemical reconnaissance vehicle BRDM-2 BC.
    3. «House A.V. Suvorov» The exhibition is based on authentic objects XVIII century and is dedicated to the reflection of the life and activity of A. Suvorov. Particular attention is given to military operations on the territory of modern Belarus and communication history with Kobrin Suvorov.

    Individual and corporate excursions - Kobrin Military History Museum of A.V. Suvorov

    Schedule Kobrin Military History Museum of A.V. Suvorov

    Location map - Kobrin Military History Museum of A.V. Suvorov

    Address 225306, Republic of Belarus, Brest region, Kobrin, Suvorov st., 14 GPS Google: 52.209248′ N, 52.209248′ E