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Gorodok district ethnographic museum

To book a tour
Type: Local History The exhibition: 6 Location: Gorodok, Vitebsk region

Gorodok district ethnographic museum created 20th February 1974 by order of the Bureau of Gorodok District Executive Committee of Communist Party of Byelorussia and District Council of Deputies. Housed in a former children's library. December 24, 1976 the museum was opened to visitors. In 1996, he received a new building. In 2004 by the decision of the Gorodok Executive Committee established cultural institution "Gorodok District Local History Museum." The leaders of the museum is the G.S. Orlovsky, L.F. Bondarenko, Z.N. Pleskach, E.E. Uversky. The exposition of the museum area is 190 m2, the exhibition - 255 m2. The museum has three exposure and three exhibition halls. The exhibition department of nature placed in two rooms: the information and diorama. Outside the museum building is open literary and artistic composition "Konstantin Verenitsyn and his poem" Taras on Parnassus." On two large boulders are plaques with information about the poem and its author.

Photo - Gorodok district ethnographic museum

    Exposure - Gorodok district ethnographic museum

    1. Information hall of Department of nature includes paleontological artifacts, photographs, maps of the environment Gorodokschiny, Red Book Gorodok District, etc. Here are three dioramas, "Dubrava. Giant oak "," Apocalypse "," White-tailed Eagle. "Dioramic Hall Department of Nature consists of five dioramas, "Forest", "Bog", "Meadow. Waters, "" Birds on the lake "," Water chestnut ". In some display cases are about 100 species of insects.
    2. ”Hall of ethnography and folk crafts Gorodokschinа” permanent exhibition is divided into four sections: "A peasant in the late XIXth - early XXth centuries." (fragment of the peasant huts, chambers), "Traditional crafts men and women", "The beliefs of our ancestors" (canvases Gorodokschiny temples, ceremonial objects, ritual items), "Life inhabitants of Gorodok and district" (diorama "Fair in the town", a fragment of the shop).
    3. ”Our famous countrymen” Temporary exhibitions, which are more than 70 people: photographs, personal belongings, awards, artwork, which explores the life and work of distinguished people Gorodokschiny. The exhibition consists of 6 sections: Honored Worker of the area, military leaders, poets, writers, journalists, artists, athletes, scientists.
    4. ”Thus we were going to win” exhibition dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, the heroes of his countrymen, their participation in military operations. Provides information about the period of the occupation of the territory of the district of the Nazi invaders, to release him.
    5. Dioramic Hall Department of Nature includes five dioramas, "Forest", "Bog", "Meadow. Pond," "Birds on the lake," "Water chestnut". In some display cases are about 100 species of insects.
    6. removable art exhibitions conducted changing exhibitions on various subjects.

    Schedule Gorodok district ethnographic museum

    • Administration 09:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday
    • Cash 09:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday
    • Exposure 09:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday

    Location map - Gorodok district ethnographic museum

    Address 211540, Vitebsk region., Gorodok district, Vorovskiy str., 3 GPS Google: 55.462653′ N, 55.462653′ E