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Hermanovichy museum of culture and household activities

To book a tour
Type: Ethnographic The exhibition: 6 Location: Sharkovshchina, Vitebsk region

GermanovichyMuseum of Culture and Life was created in 1986 by the volunteer, in 1992 received the status State. The museum is located in the manor house belonging to the manor and a park in the XVIII and is the custodian of material and spiritual values ​​Sharkovshchina region. It consists of 4 rooms and a basement, which contain items of traditional village life, the objects of labor, a collection of dishes from clay material on the path of life Yazep Drozdovich and other famous countrymen - M.Mashara, P.Kostyukevich, T.Kirillov.

Jazep Nartsizovich Drozdovich (13.10.1888 - 15.09.1954) - belarusian painter, graphic artist, sculptor, writer, folklorist, anthropologist and archaeologist. In the late 1910s and early 1920s created a graphic series of monuments of castle architecture, embodied the image of the Belarusian nature in graphic sheets "Disnenschina". Since the 1920s, during the his travels in Belarus Drozdovich began writing carpets. Recorded folk songs collected and processed for dictionaries vocabulary of native language. Drozdovich was the first Belarusian artist, who spoke about the cosmos: "Space", "Life on Saturn", "Life on Mars", "Life on the Moon". Drozdovich made a significant contribution to the development of the Belarusian art. He was called the "Belarusian Leonardo da Vinci."

In 2010 Germanovichy museum culture and way of life have been developed two tourist routes, which include visits to all historical and cultural property in the area. The main ongoing activities are public holidays, charity events, celebrations of the national calendar, festivals and competitions, patriotic events and ideological direction, exhibitions, holidays villages.

Photo - Hermanovichy museum of culture and household activities

    Exposure - Hermanovichy museum of culture and household activities

    1. Ethnographic hall in the village of Gorodets archaeological excavations near the village of Gorodets, household items and material culture of Belarusians, pottery, musical instruments, weaving.
    2. Arts hall in the village Gorodets creation of P. Aleksandrov, A. Marochkin, M. Sevruk, V. Basalyga.
    3. Ethnography hall in Germanovichy Museum tools - a wooden plow, plow, bells, made ​​of straw and twigs - Garnets, boxes, clocks, irons.
    4. weaving hall in Germanovichy Museum tools for processing flax and its products: myalka, weaving machines, spindles, furniture from the vine.
    5. Celebrities hall in Germanovichy Museum prints, drawings, photographs, materials on the life and work of J. Drozdovich, M. Mashar, G. Titovich, J. Sikora, P. Kostyukevich, Kirillov, P. Lastovok.
    6. Drozdovich hall works in Germanovichy Museum paintings and drawings of J. Drozdovich, copies of fantastic tales of the artist "Life on Mars", "Life on Saturn".

    Schedule Hermanovichy museum of culture and household activities

    • Administration 09:00 - 17:00 weekend Sunday, Monday
    • Cash 09:00 - 17:00 weekend Sunday, Monday
    • Exposure 09:00 - 17:00 weekend Sunday, Monday

    Location map - Hermanovichy museum of culture and household activities

    Address Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Sharkovshchina region,AG Germanovichi, Shkolnaya st., 10 GPS Google: 55.411964′ N, 55.411964′ E