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Museum of culture and history of Novopolotsk

To book a tour
Type: Historical The exhibition: 1 Location: Novopolotsk, Vitebsk region

Museum of History and Culture of Novopolotsk founded in 1968. The city Navapolack was founded in June 7, 1958. In December 1966 Office of Party Committee adopted a resolution "On the creation of the Museum of Labour Glory". The initiative to create the museum belonged to the 1st Secretary of Party Committee Arthur losifovich Bezlyudova. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the city on a voluntary basis a Museum of Labor Glory, which is located in one of the huts that were built first builders. To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the 1973 decree was signed by the Ministry of Culture of the Byelorussian SSR on the transformation of urban public museum of labor glory to the state museum of local history. In 1984 the museum began operating Exhibition Hall, which holds exhibitions of paintings, drawings and DPI. In 1997 approved the new name of the museum "Museum of History and Culture Novopolotsk". In 2008 the 50th anniversary of Novopolotsk an exposition on the history of the young city, which includes four exhibition halls on the topics: "The first builders of the city. They were the first", "Industrial City", "The greatest achievements", "Social and cultural institutions of the city". The museum is located in the same building ostentatious display area 569.8 square meters and 192.5 square meters - the exhibition hall. The total number of museum objects placed in one permanent and one temporary traveling exhibition is 17730, of which the main fund 12266, scientific support 4564. In 2003 the regional-competition of professional skill Museum received the Diploma and the second prize in the category "Best museum area" by the end of 2003. In 2008 the regional-competition of professional skill Museum received the Award "for high creative achievements in the field of culture and the arts" in the "Best Museum" in 2008.

From the museum and events each month in the Museum is a museum-cycle teaching lessons "My city: to know and love", "We - the patriots of the city" - in the form of a game, children learn about the city's history, find out about his past and the present day, try on the role of builders, Olympic champions, visit the "Soviet school" cultural and resting. The cycle of living museum, conducted monthly for middle and senior school students to promote the life and work of the famous people that brought fame to the city. 1 every year is a celebration of the "Night of Museums", the Day of the city (the museum prepares a variety of activities in accordance with the stated theme of the holiday), the celebration of "Midsummer. Museum courtyard" (visitors can see a collection of ethnography, buy Kupala wreaths and herbs, to conduct a photo shoot). Interactive games are held on a quarterly basis in the new form of work which includes the interaction of mixed-age audience with an exhibition and museum materials in the form of a game. According to the plan of the exhibition the museum staff and sponsored exhibitions are held workshops on various topics. For anniversaries and significant events of educational institutions of the city, in accordance with the plan of activities for urban culture and international co-organized various quizzes. Every year in the framework of civil and patriotic education in cooperation with institutions of additional education of local history are held contests and Olympiads. The museum has a souvenir booklets, flyers, magnets featuring Novopolotsk and the Museum of History and Culture of Novopolotsk.

The research work of the museum covers the study of problems economic, social and cultural life of the city. The result research is the annual scientific conferences and publication of a collection of articles. During the year, developed scientific concept of temporary thematic exhibitions, programs museum education, scenario plans, new forms of work with visitors.

Photo - Museum of culture and history of Novopolotsk

    Exposure - Museum of culture and history of Novopolotsk

    1. collections "Documents", "Documentary photographs", "Publications", "Fine Arts", "Arts and Crafts", "Faleristika", "Bonistics", "numismatics", "Life and ethnography".

    Schedule Museum of culture and history of Novopolotsk

    • Administration 08:00 - 17:00 weekend Saturday, Sunday
    • Cash 10:00 - 17:30 without days off
    • Exposure 10:00 - 18:00 without days off

    Location map - Museum of culture and history of Novopolotsk

    Address 211446, Republic of Belarus, Novopolotsk, Molodezhnaya st., 45, block 3 GPS Google: 55.542111′ N, 55.542111′ E