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Senno district ethnographic museum

To book a tour
Type: Local History Location: Senno, Vitebsk region

Senno district ethnographic museum was founded August 30, 1995 decision of the Senno Regional Executive Committee, is open to the public from September 1, 1995. The museum is housed in a former district council hall of the demonstration area of 327 m2, built in 1910 in the civilian style with elements of classicism on an individual plan on non-state funds. Static display at the museum are not available. In the exhibition halls on display temporary exhibitions from the museum and private collections. The total number of museum objects is 3804, of which the main fund - 3210, research and support - 594.

The museum designed and organizes themed and sightseeing excursions, museum studies, "I love my city", " on of the Earth Senno", "Welcome to an evening", "Proverbs of war", "Belarus - the country of my future". Museum takes part in the international event "Night of Museums". Become traditional wedding ceremony at the Museum "Wedding ceremony on Sennensky lad". The museum was awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus for participating in the First National Forum "Museums of Belarus", Grodno, October 2012.

Schedule Senno district ethnographic museum

  • Administration 08:00 - 17:00 weekend Saturday, Sunday
  • Cash 09:00 - 18:00 weekend Sunday, Monday
  • Exposure 09:00 - 18:00 weekend Sunday, Monday

Location map - Senno district ethnographic museum

Address 211120, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk regeon, Senno, st. Sovetskaya 13 GPS Google: 54.809422′ N, 54.809422′ E