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Braginsky historical museum with art gallery

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Type: Historical The exhibition: 4 Location: Bragin, Gomel region

Braginsky historical museum with art gallery was opened to visitors in 1988. It so happens that the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant has left an indelible mark on the fate of the Bragin district. The main theme of the museum is to preserve the memory of the Chernobyl disaster and its impact on the life and development of the area. Initial exposure made by Belarusian artists, written in resettled villages Bragin district during the expedition. The museum is housed in an exhibition area of ​​328 m2 and an exhibition space is 150 m2. and includes permanent exhibitions: "History Braginschiny. Facts and Legends", "Woodland hut", a room devoted to the memory of VI Ignatenko, Battle Hall of Fame, exhibition halls, the exhibition "The Lost Land." The total number of museum objects is 2262, of which the main fund - 1909, research and support - 353. "Pearl" of the museum is a meteorite, "Bragin," which refers to a rare type iron-stony meteorites - pallasites. Under the title of "Meteorite Bragin", a group known to the masses, which is different in weight but identical in composition and structure. The first discovery was made probably in 1807. The total weight of the found fragments of more than 800 kg. June 17, 2006. together with the French organization "Heritage without Borders", an exhibition of "The Lost Land", on the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident (artistic director Vladimir Tsesler, the concept of Alexander Davidovich). A prime example of arts and crafts is carved Shrine of the XVIII century, surviving after the destruction of the church (1936) in the village Grushnoe Bragin district.

During the reporting period, members of the Bragin historical museum with art gallery article published in the Bragin district newspaper "Beacon Polessye." Worked with the TV and print media to place promotional information about new exhibitions and fairs. In order to attract the attention and interest of children and young people to the study of traditional clothes, ornaments and decorations Braginschiny, the museum staff in conjunction with the students of the school, high school and art school, created costumes and decorations for the dolls in traditional style. By dolls were presented at the "puppet party", dedicated to the Day of Museums. To the public and has become a regular guest Bragin part in excursions, hikes in the village Thalmann, Braginka district, to the remains of the castle Vishnevetskih and "Stone Love", located in the park. Familiarity with the history of this place takes the form of role-playing games. The museum has become a tradition to conduct workshops for the manufacture of ceremonial dolls. Made dolls are sold in the gift shop. Research department is working on the collection and study of ethnographic material. For the overall accumulation of information, local history and historical research expeditions were undertaken by Bragin district. Investigated the following topics: "Family and household rites", a celebration of the wedding ceremony on Komarinschine. In order to investigate and fix the test by cruise was carried out in  agrotown Komarin, v. Zary, v. Kirov Bragin district. The collected material is processed, analyzed and used it to set up a series of lectures and videos. Investigated material holding period Braginsky Polish lands princely birth Vishnevetskih. History of False Dmitry I and Marina Mnishek. The tested material is used in the development of on-site visits in the village Thalmann, Bragin district, where the remains of the castle princely family. Also, much attention is paid to a deeper study of the theme "Myths and Legends Braginschiny" - the origin of the name Bragin, meteorite "Bragin", "Stone of Love". On the basis of the investigated material created a multimedia presentation, "Secrets of the motherland". Museum staff presented a theatrical setting (based on the material studied) at the regional workshop on "Non-material spiritual culture". From cultural events to order the visitor in the museum themed lectures, guided tours (in the museum and the city, visiting attractions and monuments of historical and cultural heritage), a master-class on making ritual and oberegovyh dolls, exhibitions, presentations (books, photo and video exhibition, presentations), cinema events. 1 time per year (May-April) passes competition of children's drawings "The world through the eyes of children".

The museum was awarded with diploma of the Department of Culture (2013, 2007, 2010), Diploma Grade 3 Department of Culture Gomel Oblast Executive Committee in the competition for the best organization of the improvement and maintenance of territories of regional cultural institutions in the category "Best institution located in the district center" (2012), Diploma for participation in one national forum "Museums of Belarus" Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, Grodno Regional Executive Committee (2012). At the museum there is a children's video studio "Rainbow", awarded the Diploma of 1 degree in the national contest video "my dear homeland," Diploma of 1 degree in the regional competition video "My dear homeland" in nomination "one-minute film", Diploma of 1 degree in the children's Documentary Film Festival "Crystal buslyanya" diploma in the nomination "The best scenario work" in the children's festival of documentary films.

Photo - Braginsky historical museum with art gallery

    Exposure - Braginsky historical museum with art gallery

    1. in the collection are icons of XIX - XX centuries.
    2. the collection provides towels, woven and embroidered by local craftswomen (XIX - XX centuries), an example of which is very finely traced characteristic Braginschiny ornament.
    3. collection of paintings presented by Belarusian artists, written in resettled villages Bragin district during the expedition, and is dedicated to the Chernobyl topics.
    4. in the collection features a variety of everyday objects collected on the Bragin district.

    Schedule Braginsky historical museum with art gallery

    Location map - Braginsky historical museum with art gallery

    Address 247632, Republic of Belarus, Gomel region, Bragin, Sovetskaya st., 79 GPS Google: 51.790455′ N, 51.790455′ E