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Mosty State museum «Man and Forest»

To book a tour
Type: Local History The exhibition: 9 Location: Mosty, Grodno region

Museum "Forest and Man" was created January 12, 1985 as Mosty State Historical Museum. In the late 80's - 90s XX century keenly aware of environmental problems in the society. It was then, in 1989, the Local History Museum has been transformed into "Mosty State Museum" Forest and Man" and in 1990 opened its doors to the first visitors. In 2006 the museum acquired the status of a legal entity. Museum is located in the same building a visible area of ​​211 m2 and hosts 4 permanent exhibit. Total number of museum objects is 8696 items, general fund - 2812, auxiliary science - 4084. Museum collaborates with museums Grodno region.

From the museum and the massive annual event at the museum in two stages, a competition "Ecology. Man. Future" and which is attended by all the schools in the district. The first stage - a video Contest "Mostovschina eyes of children" the second stage - Photo contest winners are involved. Only in the competition can be seen fashions of household waste, find the solution of environmental problems and listen to the story in environmental theme. Annual in December - January event is held "Christmas Carols - good yuletide" - a theatrical event, which introduces children and adults to the ancient and traditional folk calendar holidays. The event is accompanied by rituals, peniyami, fortune telling, games. Introduces participants to the Belarusian cuisine. Annual event was held at the Museum "Velikden", which introduces the history of the origin and celebration of the Christian holiday of Easter. and the event can be found on how to decorate Easter eggs, songs and games, which were carried out with the help of free time, our ancestors. The research activities of the museum aims to work on the monument to the history and culture of Mosty district, which is listed as the list of historical and cultural heritage of the Republic of Belarus. In 2008 the museum was awarded the diploma of II degree in the regional competition "cultural institutions of the Year".

Photo - Mosty State museum «Man and Forest»

    Exposure - Mosty State museum «Man and Forest»

    1. Household items characterizes the material culture of the Belarusian peasants late XIX - early XX century, industrial activity, craft classes, family life (ceramics, straw, rod, painted eggs, household items and Ethnography).
    2. Аrmament guns and hunting equipment.
    3. Numismatics badges, commemorative medals, medals World War II period, medals, badges of different years, coins of various periods, coin hoard 1623.
    4. Documents and photos represented by different types of documents from different times. Photos that reveal the historical past Mosty district.
    5. Weaving elements of the female and male costume, embroidery, tablecloths, postilki and carpets.
    6. Painting and sculpture collected paintings, drawings and sculptures by both professional and folk artists, whose works are somehow connected with Mosty edge: Bagustov, Rybchinskiy, Volkov, Ivanovo, etc.
    7. Biology ”Scarecrow” classes are collections of stuffed fish, birds, mammals, mollusks and insects herbarium and dummies of fungi.
    8. Icons the exposition presents harass XVIII-XIX century, "God Almighty", "Simeon Verhorutsky", "Nicholas Thaumaturgos", etc., folding and crosses.
    9. Аrcheology the collection is characterized by the material culture of primitive society to the XVIII century (flint knife, a stone hoe, hoe from animal horns).

    Schedule Mosty State museum «Man and Forest»

    • Administration 08:30 - 17:30 weekend Monday
    • Cash 08:30 - 17:30 weekend Monday
    • Exposure 09:00 - 17:00 weekend Monday

    Location map - Mosty State museum «Man and Forest»

    Address 231600 Republic of Belarus, Grodno region, Mosty, Sovetskaya street, 34 GPS Google: 53.417992′ N, 53.417992′ E