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Bobruisk ethnographic museum

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Type: Local History Location: Bobruisk, Mogilev region

In 1924 was founded Bobruisk ethnographic museum. In accordance with the decision of the city government in 1924 for the museum took a small wooden building, which was located in the courtyard of a children's library. In 1930 to address the City Council, the museum is given a new building on Pushkin Street, 145 (it was a mansion built in 1912). At that time, the museum is a large and intensive work is aimed at the creation of a new exposure and increase the museum fund. Opened new departments: the department of religion, industry and historical department. In this building the museum continued to work until the beginning of World War II. The museum has more than three thousand units. During the occupation of the Nazi invaders building was destroyed, artifacts looted and most of the materials that were stored in pre-war museum, were lost. A new stage of formation and development of Bobruisk museum has on the post-war period. At the museum's archive contains a copy of the decision of the Council for Religious Affairs of the CPC BSSR on the transfer of the Roman Catholic church in the town of Bobruisk Bobruisk City Executive Committee in order to accommodate a regional museum (since 1944 our city has become a regional center). In the postwar years, the building housed the church of mobile and permanent exhibitions. And to accommodate the exposition of the museum was allotted a house built in 1914 and belonged to the owner of one revolution of the brick factories Rosenberg (Pushkin street, 163). Since 1967 a new design of the museum. In this widely used in museum exhibits, complex materials, painstakingly assembled by experienced museum staff in the post-war years. In May 1988 the executive committee of the Bobruisk City Council decided to permit City Council planning department of culture, reconstruction of the building, an architectural monument of the twentieth century (the house in 1910). From 1 October 1996 the museum is located in a new building at Sotsialisticheskaya st., 56/40. The total area of ​​the museum is 1343 m2, the exposure is 668.9 m2, 95.4 m2 of storage assets. The museum has two floors. There are 10 exhibition halls, 5 stock rooms, a lecture hall with 40 seats, a library, four office staff, office director. In 1995 - 1999 in order to generate exposure, Department of Archaeology Territory was organized and carried out archaeological excavations of archaeological monuments 8 Bobruyschiny led by researchers of the Institute of History of NAS of Belarus. As a result of fruitful cooperation with archaeologists to obtain new museum exhibits that highlight the history of the region allowing the Stone, Bronze, Iron Age and early Middle Ages. According to archaeological excavations in Bobruisk museum organized I and II Bobruisk scientific and practical conference of local lore "Bobruychane in the past", the results of which were compiled and published in the collections of scientific works "Fncient Bobruyschiny". In April 2007 the Criminal Code "Bobruisk Museum" The III Bobruisk Scientific Studies Conference "Ancient Bobruyschiny" on "Bobruisk fortress. History. The current state. Prospects for Development". On 1 December 2005 the museum acquired the status of a legal entity and has its own charter and the name of the Institution of Culture "Bobruisk museum". Much attention is given to the team of museum staff and collection of materials on the history of the region, the development of the modern city of Bobruisk achievements in the field of culture, the promotion of knowledge about Emeritus, People, exemplary teams, victories of our fellow creative contests, festivals, the cultural relations and travel trade and amateur art groups in the far and near abroad.

Bobruisk museum - is the main fund items 15734, 19012 scientific subjects - is support fund. The main fund of the museum are 28 items of museum collections, "Archaeology", "Ammunition and weapon parts", "Bonistics", "Veksilologiya", "Military ammunition", "Graphics", "Documents", "Arts and Crafts", "Painting","Ceramics", "Mechanisms and machine parts", "Numismatics", "Clothes", "The tools and supplies", "Firearm", "Publications", "Household items", "items containing precious metals" , "Instruments and Apparatus", "Natural history collections", "Sculpture", "Sphragistics", "Faleristika", "Phonodocuments", "Documentary photographs", "Cold Steel", "Glass", "Other collections".

Photo - Bobruisk ethnographic museum

    Individual and corporate excursions - Bobruisk ethnographic museum

    Schedule Bobruisk ethnographic museum

    • Administration 10:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday, Tuesday
    • Cash 10:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday, Tuesday
    • Exposure 10:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday, Tuesday

    Location map - Bobruisk ethnographic museum

    Address 213826, Republic of Belarus, Mogilev region, Bobruisk, Sotsialisticheskaya st., 56/40 GPS Google: 53.135302′ N, 53.135302′ E