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Belynichi region art museum named after V.K. Belynichski-Birulia

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Type: Art The exhibition: 6 Location: Belynichi, Mogilev region

Belynichi region art museum named after V.K. Belynichski-Birulia was founded in 1969, is open to a wide range of visitors May 29, 1970  year on the basis of order number 58 of November 5, 1969 Mogilev regional department of culture. Assistance in organizing and opening of the museum director had the State Art Museum of the BSSR Aladova Elena and Elena Birula (wife of artist Byalynitsky-Birula). The basis of the museum consists of works of painting, drawing and sculpture,  transferred  Art Museum of the BSSR and Mogilev Regional Museum.  

Witold Kaetanovich Byalynitsky-Birula - outstanding Soviet landscape painter, Artist of Belarus (1944) and the Russian Federation (1947), Member of the Academy of Arts.  

Museum is located in the same building with an area of demonstration buildings 340 m2, the total number of museum objects 736, of which 592 Fixed assets (in 2009).

Belynichi Museum was awarded a diploma of the Russian Academy Arts "decent" in 2002. Employees of the museum is collecting materials about the life and work of the People's Artist of the RSFSR and the BSSR V.K. Byalynitsky-Birula, artists and fellow B. Olszewski, L. Zhuravovich etc. Lectures on the life and work of artists, museum and educational activities, "Hello, Museum," "Forms and Genres Art "kinolektsii every quarter - evening meetings with artists and museum festivals - "Magpie", "Christmas Carols", "Carnival", open-air with the participation of artists from Minsk, Mogilev, Belynichi, Moscow, Kostroma pass at the Museum.

Photo - Belynichi region art museum named after V.K. Belynichski-Birulia

    Exposure - Belynichi region art museum named after V.K. Belynichski-Birulia

    1. Painting 27 works of Byalinsky-Birula, the artists second half of the twentieth century - Kroholev, Shibnev, Krasovskii, Tsvirko, Shchemelev.
    2. Graphics collection of graphic works by artists second half of the twentieth century - Shuravovich, Gerus, Leytman, Asetsky, Gutiev, Kiselev, Ovchinnikov, etc.
    3. Belarusian sculpture 51 works of Famous belarusian sculptors Azgur, Gumilevsky, Misko, Zasticky.
    4. Life of Byalynickij-Birulya in photos 91 photos, which reflect areas of life and the artist, photos of the participants of the International Plein Air memory Byalynitsky-Birula, working points en plein air, etc.
    5. Written sources contains two letters of Byalynitsky-Birula, stamp and mail the envelope issued by the 125th anniversary of the artist.
    6. Arts and crafts 23 subjects weaving: tablecloths, towels, made ​​by local craftsmen.

    Schedule Belynichi region art museum named after V.K. Belynichski-Birulia

    Location map - Belynichi region art museum named after V.K. Belynichski-Birulia

    Address 213051, Republic of Belarus, Mogilev region, Belynichi, Sovetskaya str., 13a GPS Google: 53.995712′ N, 53.995712′ E