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The Klichev ethnographic museum

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Type: Local History The exhibition: 18 Location: Klichev, Mogilev region

Klichev ethnographic museum is based on open June 5th, 1967 in honor of the museum national glory Klichev. In 30th of January 1967 was made available to the Council of Ministers of the Byelorussian SSR on the establishment of the museum. The grand opening of the exhibition took place on August 10, 1969 The museum has collected a lot of material, revealing the history of the guerrilla movement in the Klichev guerrilla zone, and and exhibits on archeology, culture and daily life of farmers, the historical past of the region, known countrymen, recovery of the economy. In 1992 Klichevsk District Executive Committee, it was decided to expand the exhibition spaces and realigning the museum's glory in the museum. History Klichevsk edge is reflected in nine exhibition halls of the museum: an introductory hall, archeology, Hall "The river and the Man," "Culture and life of farmers", "History Klichev guerrilla zone", Hall nature, winter garden, an exhibition hall. June 28, 2012 the grand opening of the exhibition hall "History Klichev guerrilla zone ", which reveals the theme of the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War. A distinctive feature of the museum - availability apothecary garden with medicinal and rare plants.

Display area halls of the museum is 332,2 m2. The total number of museum objects is 9538 copies, of which the main fund 5849, research and support 3689.

Photo - The Klichev ethnographic museum

    Exposure - The Klichev ethnographic museum

    1. Аrcheology 25 exhibits the main fund and 277 auxiliary science: tools of the Bronze Age of the 2nd millennium BC (axes, wedges of stone and flint, stone axes and hammer drilled and flint knives), jewelry Dregovichy X-XII centuries. (granular copper beads, carnelian, glass multi-colored, button, pectoral cross, medallion, amulet, temple rings, rings), fragments of pottery with arnamentom, plaster casts of the bow and arrows of the Mesolithic, models of sickle, darts, spears and axes beginning of the Iron Age.
    2. Painting, drawing, sculpture 76 exhibits the main fund and 60 auxiliary science. Icons are presented on the board and the metal of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries., Lithographs beginning. The twentieth century., Paintings and drawings by artists of the Mogilev region, members of the Belarusian Union of Artists Shklyar AS, Jurkov VI, Belogurova E.A, sketches Ruban NF, sculpture VN Murashova "Hero of the Soviet Union FI Kovalev, "postage stamps of the Soviet period, the military maps of the Red Army offensive operations, plans, schemes of military operations and guerrilla Klichevsk Mogilev regional guerrilla. Plans land of the big landlords landowners, agricultural cooperatives Klichev district.
    3. Arts and crafts The collection of 42 exhibits the main fund and 5 auxiliary science. Presented hand-made wooden products, straw, embroidery local amateur artists.
    4. Documents 537 items of fixed assets and 388 auxiliary science. Presented papers on land use 1909-1910,., Passbook 1917, copies of the documents of the nineteenth VO churches and parochial schools on the grounds of pre-revolutionary Klichevschiny, court cases, personal documents WWII veterans, 1941-1945. (biographical information, military cards, order books, certificates for awards, Red Army books, letters of thanks to the Soviet High Command in 1945, etc.) - A collection of archival documents on the 208 th pp them. IV Stalin (the commander Nichiporovich VI) - Ratification of Heroes of the Soviet Union tanker Krivonosa PA and partisan pldryvnika FI Kovalev, who died during the liberation of Belarus, the lists of the dead soldiers, guerrillas and civilians, certificates, diplomas, creditable sheets of regional and national significance Klichev Regional, State Prize of the USSR and BSSR natives of the region's most famous countrymen - scholars, writers, military men, the foremost of the economy, etc.
    5. Manuscripts 214 items of fixed assets and 166 auxiliary science. The exhibition predstvavleny: memories of old-timers Klichevschina pre-revolutionary history, the memories of participants, front and partisan letter of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945., Letters of soldiers in Afghanistan, the Soviet Information bulletins, books, manuscripts participants in the partisan movement.
    6. Рrinted publications 646 exhibits of the main fund and 503 auxiliary science. Presented by geography textbooks Belarus in 1919, 1922, personal library Smolitsch AA (first Belarusian professor of geography, a native of the village Batsevich Klichevsk district), a memoir, with an inscription of authors, participants in the partisan movement in Klichevschine and the liberation of the region from the Nazis, underground newspapers Klichevsk Kazakh Communist Party (Bolsheviks) "Voice of the partisan" and Mogilev underground regional Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) "For the Motherland" partisan leaflets, newspaper before the Revolution, the first years of Soviet power, front-line, post-war binder regional newspapers "Dawn," "Stalіnskaya prauda", "Crest of the Soviets" postcards of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, the Byelorussian SSR, Soviet Military Encyclopedia (8 volumes), a book with an inscription fellow - well-known Belarusian scientists, writers, laureate of the State Prize of Belarus, statesmen.
    7. Numismatics 330 exhibits of the main fund and 10 auxiliary science: coins of Russian Empire XVIII - 1st half of ХХ centuries. Coins of the Soviet period, commemorative coins commemorative of the Soviet period, the European coins of ХХ century.
    8. Foleristika collection of 240 pieces of the main fund and 90 auxiliary science military orders and medals of the USSR, work orders and medals of the USSR, the Soviet period Lapel badges, badges of the Soviet period, commemorative medallions and medals table of the Soviet period, medallion German soldier German iron crosses.
    9. Bonistics 244 exhibits of the main funds: bank notes of the Russian Empire of the nineteenth - the 1st half of the twentieth centuries. Banknotes of the Soviet period, banknotes of the Russian Federation of the late twentieth century, bills of Republic of Belarus of the late ХХ century.
    10. Photodocuments 1384 exhibit of the main fund in 1994 and auxiliary science. Presents portraits and group photos of the Heroes of the Soviet Union, members of the civil, Finland, Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945., The foremost of the economy, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR and the Byelorussian SSR, noble people Klichevschiny, scene photos of the history of the twentieth century Klichevschiny., The war period, negatives.
    11. Musical Instruments 6 pieces: piano ХIХ century and the Soviet period, accordion Soviet war period, dulcimer, violin, balalaika.
    12. Household items and ethnography 479 exhibits of the main fund and 65 auxiliary science. The exhibition features: ceramic tableware, porcelain German war period, cooper, wicker, metal, fabric (homespun postilki, towels, pillow cases, sheets, tracks, screens, tablecloths, etc.), glass-ware Klichevsk H.Grengauza, gas lamps and pendant , molten glass, furniture (stolbyuro, slide sideboard, chairs, chair, screw for piano, mirror floor, models of kitchen furniture Klichevsk the dock, etc.), items for different purposes (globe, horn pioneer, writing instruments, pens, pencil cases, scores , chess, checkers, home furnishings).
    13. Сlothing | 68 exhibits the main fund and 20 auxiliary science. The exhibition includes a homespun clothes (Andarak skirts, summer skirts, shirts, shirts, trousers of the twentieth century.), Clothing civil (dresses, suits for men the 2nd half of the twentieth century.) Soviet troop clothing (coat, jacket, shirt, vest, pants "breeches", belts, straps, buttonhole), tunics, shoes (sandals, boots, boots, shoes, 2nd floor. twentieth century.) hats (basting homespun, cap, peaked caps, caps).
    14. Equipment The collection includes 217 exhibits of the main fund and 7 auxiliary science: machine printed "Underwood", "Mercedes", "Olympia", tools and accessories (weaving, woodworking, farming, Bortnychi, etc.), pre-war radio, radios, radiograms war period.
    15. Weapons, ammunition 146 exhibits of the main fund and 28 auxiliary science. The collection includes: weapons of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. (rifle Mosin design, PCA-42, factory layout PPS-43, the signal gun, sawn-off shotguns, machine gun "Maxim", PTR, mortars, guns 45 mm cannons, cannon aircraft in 1942, 45 mm artillery gun, bayonet needle), the German wartime weapons (machine gun corps, rifle barrels, daggers, bayonets) ammunition (housing grenades, blank cartridges, shells).
    16. Biological 12 exhibits scientific support fund: stuffed birds cuckoo, gulls, ducks, herons, thrush, woodpecker, biogroups: jay and the buzzard, a stuffed beaver, muskrat, mink, rabbit, fox.
    17. The military ammunition 50 exhibits the main fund and 2 auxiliary science. Represented the Soviet ammunition (pots, jars, cases, bags field, planchette, pouches, belts machine gun) German ammunition (pots, flasks, bags for cartridges, cases for a gas mask, a bag for documents pouches for bayonets, machine-gun belts).
    18. Apothecary garden The exposition in the open from May to October, and introduces visitors to the world of plants, talks about the medicinal properties of known and unknown species of flora.

    Schedule The Klichev ethnographic museum

    • Administration 08.00 - 17.00 weekend Saturday, Sunday
    • Cash 08.00 - 17.00 weekend Monday
    • Exposure 08.00 - 17.00 weekend Monday

    Location map - The Klichev ethnographic museum

    Address 213910, Republic of Belarus, Mogilev region, Klichev, Zayаts str., 21 GPS Google: 53.484388′ N, 53.484388′ E