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Brest Museum of Art

To book a tour
Type: Art The exhibition: 7 Location: Brest, Brest region

Branch "Art Museum" - the youngest of the branches of the Brest regional ethnographic museum, opened May 17, 2002 by the decision of the Brest Regional Executive Committee of the number 206 of 13.03.2000 "On creation of an art museum" in South barracks Brest Fortress. The basis of the lay branch of a collection of fine and decorative arts of Brest Regional Museum. Formation of the collection began in 1951 and continues to the present the most widely represented in her art Brest artists. The total area of ​​the museum is a demo 1670 m2, 10 exhibition halls - 1100 m2, two exhibition - 140 m2. During the work of the museum in its showrooms organized more than 70 exhibitions of artists, sculptors, masters of arts and crafts and craftsmen. The great interest of visitors caused exhibition of Russian artists of the XIX century II Shishkin from the National Art Museum of Belarus and the exhibition of icons "Iconography Belarus XXI century", created jointly with the Belarusian Exarchate and Brest diocese. Traditional forms of the museum became creative meetings with artists and craftsmen, master - classes, scientific and practical conferences, museum lessons, performances of creative groups, as well as visiting museums to schools and downtown area. Every year the museum organizes over 10 exhibitions.

Note: from November to February the museum is open from 10.00 to 17.00

Photo - Brest Museum of Art

    Exposure - Brest Museum of Art

    1. art Brest second half of XX - beginning of XXI century exhibition chronologically covers the entire period of the Brest regional branch of the Union of Artists of Belarus and allows us to represent the path of development of fine arts Brest second half of the twentieth and early twenty-first century.
    2. AI work of Fetisova A.I. open exposure of Brest artist Anastasia Fetisova series "Secrets of the Old City" with the kinds of birch bark, portraits of political and public figures of the Middle Ages ("Black Radziwill," "Astafyev Valovich", "Lev Sapieha"). In the same room is exhibited model of the city of Brest XVII-XVIII centuries, performed by students of Brest Polytechnic College project AI Fetisova.
    3. work of Belarusian painters works by Belarusian artists devoted to the Great Patriotic War. Among them is the picture of the heroic defense of the Brest Fortress.
    4. Daneliya P.A. ”The Storm anxiety” three rooms devoted to painting and sculpture. Here are the works of the artists of the Brest region, many of which are acknowledged masters not only at home but also abroad. This P.A. Daneliya, N.D. Churabo, I.J. Fetisov, E.S. Kufko. Concludes this section of the exhibition of young artists creative quest.
    5. Alimov L.B. ”Born in the mask” graphic art is the exposure of the two halls. The pride of the collection are works P.Yu.Tatarnikova, GI Vyalya, academician of the Academy of Fine Arts, Graphic Belarus L.B. Alimov. Exhibited self-portrait "Born in the mask" (1992), L.B. Alimov for which he was awarded the International Biographical Centre (Cambridge, UK) the title "Man of the Year in the arts."
    6. the art of professional craftsmen: AF Gurschenkovoy, S.V. Vyal, D.N. Vymorkovoy, N.E. Krivitskaya, V.I. Logvina, spouses Ryabov, V.I. Marchuk, M.B. Knyazevoy, artist and jeweler N.P. Kuzmich, who recreated the lost during the war relic of the Belarusian people - the Cross of St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk.
    7. folk art creation is weaving and embroidery, pottery, straw and basket weaving, painting on wood and glass, art processing wood, works of amateur artists. Attracted the attention of visitors unique works Award Winners of the President of the Republic of Belarus "For Spiritual Revival" Craftsmen I.F. Suprunchik and NV Tarasyuk, known in the country masters Straw V.I. Gavriliouk, artists Y.P. Sergienko, P.S. Myslivec, A.V. Iwashko and others.

    Schedule Brest Museum of Art

    • Administration 10:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday, Tuesday
    • Cash 10:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday, Tuesday
    • Exposure 10:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday, Tuesday

    Location map - Brest Museum of Art

    Address 224018, Republic of Belarus, Brest, South Island barracks of Hospital of Brest Fortress GPS Google: 52.079974′ N, 52.079974′ E