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Vitebsk historical ethnographic museum

To book a tour
Type: Local History The exhibition: 1 Location: Vitebsk, Vitebsk region

Vitebsk district historical ethnographic museum was opened on March 1 October 2004 in the village. The museum opened an exhibition devoted to the history of Vitebsk region. Display area halls of the museum is 225 sq. m. The total number of museum exhibits 15204, of which 12382 general fund, auxiliary science 2822.

1 Museum staff are held once a month, the museum and educational sessions on various subjects: the Great Patriotic war, the development of the rural economy in the postwar period, chivalry in the Belarusian land, etc.

Photo - Vitebsk historical ethnographic museum

    Exposure - Vitebsk historical ethnographic museum

    1. The exhibition reflects a very rich, saturated and bloody wars and peaceful constructive labor countrymen history of the area. It displays objects excavation fort and settlement Luzhesno, printing Vitebsk princes, coats of arms of Vitebsk, Surazh, town Yanovichi, materials development of the rural economy of the region in the 30's., the development of education in the pre-war period. Much of the exposition assigned theme of the Great Patriotic War the history of our area. It provides: awards, documents, photographs, devoted to the guerrilla struggle, the underground fighting for the liberation of Vitebsk and characteristics of the operation "Bagration" in the area. widely Items are peaceful life of famous people of Vitebsk, their works awards and certificates. A special role is played by an ensemble of folk dance "Kolos" which has long been a "cultural card" area.

    Schedule Vitebsk historical ethnographic museum

    • Administration 10.00 - 19.00 weekend Monday
    • Cash 10.00 - 19.00 weekend Monday
    • Exposure 10.00 - 19.00 weekend Monday

    Location map - Vitebsk historical ethnographic museum

    Address 211319, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk rergion, Vitebsk district, on October str. Solar 1a GPS Google: 55.128735′ N, 55.128735′ E