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Museum of Nature National Park Pripyat

To book a tour
Type: Natural History The exhibition: 3 Location: Turau, Gomel region

Museum of Nature National park Pripyatsky located in the administrative building of NP "Pripyatsky", was created to meet the challenges of environmental education and environmental education. Museum shows the beauty of nature and landscapes Polesje introduces the biological diversity of NP "Pripyat", provides an integrated perception of the environment, increases the level of environmental awareness, educates people care for the environment, develop their understanding of animate and inanimate nature, as a holistic ecosystem. Museum of Nature has environmental profile. This corresponds to the themes of his expositions.

Photo - Museum of Nature National Park Pripyat

    Exposure - Museum of Nature National Park Pripyat

    1. hall introductory visitors learn about the history of creation, the peculiarities of the territory from its goals and objectives.
    2. Hall of landscape and biological diversity the main landscapes of NP "Pripyat" show diorama "The floodplain oak grove", "Pine Forest", "Floodplain of the Pripyat River" and the painting "bog". Here are the visual and numeric information on the biodiversity of flora and fauna; herbarium plants Red Book, a collection of birds and insects.
    3. exposure and dioramas represented by such exposure and dioramas: a) Panoramic Exposition Park, acquainting visitors with its landscape from a bird's flight. b) Exposure - "Archaic beekeeping." It is dedicated to the most ancient activities poleshukov - beekeeping. c) The exhibition "In the Forest" where you can see large mammals: moose, deer, bear, wild boar, roe deer and many birds. g) Diorama "Bison" introduces the giant Earth Belarus - bison. e) Diorama "Spring in the flood plain of Pripyat", which shows the diversity of birds in early spring. e) Diorama "Underwater World". Displays features of the underwater world of the Pripyat River. g) Exhibit "Storks" and "colony of herons" show the beauty of the floodplain in the summer and introduce the bird fauna of the park. h) Diorama "Predator" introduces visitors to the predatory animals and birds that live in the park.

    Individual and corporate excursions - Museum of Nature National Park Pripyat

    Schedule Museum of Nature National Park Pripyat

    • Administration 08:30 - 17:30 without days off
    • Cash 08:30 - 17:30 without days off
    • Exposure 08:30 - 17:30 without days off

    Location map - Museum of Nature National Park Pripyat

    Address 247980, Republic of Belarus, Gomel region, Petrikovskii district, agro Lyaskovichi, Glushko St, 7a GPS Google: 52.115231′ N, 52.115231′ E