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Nature Museum of Berezina Biosphere Reserve

To book a tour
Type: Natural History The exhibition: 21 Location: Vitebsk region

Nature Museum of Berezina Biosphere Reserve was created to promote the principles of environmental protection. The main objective of employees Berezinski Reserve is keep a kind of forest, to convey to future generations the unique beauty of the nature. Museum displays of nature in miniature all the attractions of this wonderful corner of nature northern Belarus. Being in the museum you will be transported into a natural world nature reserve with all its complex relationships. By means of various techniques - paintings, taxidermy animal groups, light stained glass - creates an environment which gives an idea of the most beautiful areas of the reserve. 14 picturesque cloths executed by a group of artists Vitebsk art workshops grupy and taxidermy animals - by master taxidermist Berezinski reserve. The exhibits are placed in three rooms of the museum, the total area of rooms is 400 m2. In the complex area of excursions are also included demonstration aviary where visitors can get acquainted with the main representatives of the fauna of the reserve - roe deer, wild boar, bison, bear, wolf, raccoon dog.

Photo - Nature Museum of Berezina Biosphere Reserve

    Exposure - Nature Museum of Berezina Biosphere Reserve

    1. «Beaver lodge» department of the museum includes 14 exhibits. Drawn fabric pine trees. Do beavers beaver lodges family immediately regales fish otter. A rare kingfisher in Belarus still keeps watch their prey sitting on a branch above the water. In the pines live deer, foxes, and is listed in the Red Book of the badger. Busy with their chores squirrel and a large black woodpecker - black woodpecker. All event observed long-eared owl and Ural owl.
    2. «Bears» department of the museum includes 6 exhibits. Two individuals are bears in the summer pine forest. Nearby is a small mound. Rowan sitting on branches snowbird, on an oak stump and green woodpeckers.
    3. «Lynx» department of the museum includes 5 exhibits. Family lynx located in a winter forest, found a hiding place here ermine with affection.
    4. «Wolves» department of the museum includes 6 exhibits. Night winter hunting wolves on tusker. Them from a tree watching the big black crows.
    5. «Hogs» department of the museum includes 9 exhibits. The younger generation of pigs for a walk in the spruce forest. Behind them priglyadyvaet protein, busy with their chores and three-toed woodpeckers hedgehog, rest located marten.
    6. «Moose» department of the museum includes 6 exhibits. River floodplain, on vacation and American mink female Marsh Harrier, and even crawled. Couple came to feed elk sedge.
    7. «Bison» department of the museum includes 3 exhibits. Family of bison in the oak.
    8. «Red deer» department of the museum includes 3 exhibits. Male and female deer in the woods. Went hunting and forest polecat.
    9. «Wintering Birds» department of the museum includes 26 exhibits. Winter forest and 18 species of birds winter on the reserve - this mahnonogy buzzard, crested tit, waxwings, small and large colorful woodpeckers and others.
    10. «Migrating Birds» department of the museum includes 17 exhibits. Floodplain and it is located on 13 species of migratory birds: sandpipers and ducks.
    11. «Synanthropic birds» department of the museum includes 30 exhibits. Sinanthropus word means «to follow the man». Accordingly, this bird, which is extracted from the neighborhood with the man advantage, but are not home. 24 species of birds represented in the exhibition - and this is the house sparrow, dove gray, rustic and urban swallow, magpie, rook, jackdaw, Common Starling and others.
    12. «Birds of open and semi-open spaces» department of the museum includes 27 exhibits. Birds of open spaces - it inhabitants meadows, fields, birds that nest and feed on the ground. The showcase presents 20 species of birds. The most common are the common nightingale, sand-martin, lapwing, quail, yellow tryasoguska, roller and others.
    13. «Birds of deciduous forests» department of the museum includes 13 exhibits. In deciduous forest inhabited mainly migratory birds, such as characteristic species of birds that live in the trees and hollows. Deciduous forests are a favorite habitat for blue tits tits, orioles, finches, cuckoos, the largest forest pigeon - wood pigeon and others.
    14. «Birds of coniferous forests» department of the museum includes 23 exhibits. Coniferous forests provide nesting places, breeding and feeding a large number of songbirds, raptors and other species of wildlife. The showcase presented 22 species of birds found in the coniferous forest. The most interesting are well disguised nightjar, the smallest bird in Belarus - goldcrest, robin, blackbird and other finches.
    15. «Capercailye and Blackcock current» department of the museum includes 15 exhibits. At the end of March, when the forest is still snow on the current for the mating season, males and females gather capercaillie at the same time snipe snipe fly, and later begins in late April at the current grouse. Looking for a place for nesting golden plover. Destroyers nesting grouse, wood grouse and other birds are raccoon dogs and wild boars.
    16. «Owls» department of the museum includes 8 exhibits. The showcase presented six species of owls. The smallest among them - the pygmy owl, and the largest - the owl. Crawling on the moss is the most common on the reserve venomous viper.
    17. «Falcon and the loonie» department of the museum includes 7 exhibits. The showcase presented 3 species of falcons and 3 types of harriers).
    18. «Day predators» department of the museum includes 6 exhibits. Live on the reserve goshawk, sparrow, and buzzards and neighbors.
    19. «Birds of prey» department of the museum includes 5 exhibits. The largest representative of eagles - White-tailed Eagle with prey, golden eagle and the spotted eagle (small and large).
    20. «Waters a sectional» department of the museum includes 28 exhibits. At the reserve found 34 species of fish, the museum is only 6 species, as well as cancers and uzkopalye toad. In thickets on a branch hanging wonderful shoe - jack Remez. Live at the water gulls, terns and waders. Altogether there are 16 species of birds.
    21. «Berezina River floodplain» department of the museum includes 38 exhibits. Floodplain replete with a variety of bird species. Here you can see the gray crane, a large white and gray herons, black-throated diver, mute swan, large herring gulls, geese, bittern large and small, birds squad and others. In diagram are presented 24 species of birds.

    Individual and corporate excursions - Nature Museum of Berezina Biosphere Reserve

    Schedule Nature Museum of Berezina Biosphere Reserve

    • Administration 8.00 - 17.00 weekend Saturday, Sunday
    • Cash 9.00 - 18.00 without days off
    • Exposure 9.00 - 18.00 without days off

    Location map - Nature Museum of Berezina Biosphere Reserve

    Address 211188, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk., Lepel district, village Domzheritsy, st. Central, 3 GPS Google: 54.689114′ N, 54.689114′ E