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Museum «Kamenetz Tower»

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Type: Historical Location: Kamenets, Brest region

Museum "Kamenetz Tower" - is one of the four branches of the Brest Regional ethnographic museum, is unique monument of ancient defensive architecture of the second half of the XIII century. Built between the years 1276-1288 forest on the bank of the river on the orders of Prince Vladimir Vasilkovich Volyn. In terms of a round tower. At the top is a bit, does not have the vertical and horizontal articulation. Inside the tower is divided into 5 levels (floors). Above the upper tier is domed vault. Of the 5 rows on the upper platform is a stone stair-lift, passing in the thickness of the wall. September 4, 2005 a new exhibition, which covers an area of 313,2 m2 and is located on the five tiers of the tower in five exhibition halls. On the first floor - the reconstruction of a fragment of life of the tower end of the XIII century. The second tier of the museum is devoted to the study of archaeological Kamjanets and Kamenetz district. The third tier of the tower is about political, economic, and cultural life Kamenetz in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (XIV - XVII centuries). In the fourth tier of the tower describes the development of defensive architecture of Belarus at the end XIII - early XVII century, The Western region of the towers built between the XIII - XIV centuries, Restorations of Kamenetz tower. The fifth tier of the tower is dedicated to the military history of Kamenetz and Kamenetz tower.

Photo - Museum «Kamenetz Tower»

    Schedule Museum «Kamenetz Tower»

    Location map - Museum «Kamenetz Tower»

    Address 225050, Republic of Belarus, Brest region, Kamenetz, st. Lenin, 3-a GPS Google: 52.404772′ N, 52.404772′ E