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District museum complex of Napoleon Orda

To book a tour
Type: Local History Location: Brest region

District museum complex of Napoleon Orda founded on June 21 of the year 2005. The first visitors to the museum began to take in August 2007. Currently commissioned art gallery N.Ordy. The exhibition art gallery housed in five rooms: three rooms devoted to the creative legacy of N.Ordy, fourth - works of local artists, the fifth hall - temporary exhibitions. Over the past 7 years at the museum were held 6 national and regional plein air plein air painters and sculptors 1 - carvers. Funds of the museum includes exhibits of 2575, of which the main fund of 2575, research and auxiliary is 241. The most important collections of the museum are material and a collection of fine art.

The main activities of the museum is aimed at promoting the creative heritage N.Ordy, the study of his creative and way of life, gathering information about his famous countrymen and creative environment, guided tours, concerts , museum and educational activities "Ivanovschina during the Great Patriotic War", "Ivanovschina Orthodox", "Struve Arc" (familiar with the history of Struve Arc - an object under the protection of UNESCO). Also runs the annual event "Night of Museums" creative marriage registration, Staged photo shoot at the museum in the style of the XIX century.

Photo - District museum complex of Napoleon Orda

    Schedule District museum complex of Napoleon Orda

    • Administration 09:00 - 17:30 without days off
    • Cash 09:00 - 17:30 without days off
    • Exposure 09:00 - 17:30 without days off

    Location map - District museum complex of Napoleon Orda

    Address 225808, Republic of Belarus, Brest region., Ivanovo district, Vorotsevichi, Krupskaya str, 36 GPS Google: 52.107008′ N, 52.107008′ E