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Museum of the History of Horticulture in Belarus

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Type: Agricultural The exhibition: 5 Location: Minsk, Minsk region
Museum of the History of Horticulture in Belarus was opened October 10, 1995 the day of the 70th anniversary of the institute. Located in the main building. The basis of the exhibition put the subject-chronological principle. It consists of five major sections and reflects the development of fruit growing on the territory of Belarus from the XI century to the present.

The museum exposition was first put into scientific circulation and widely available archival materials XVI, XVIII-XX centuries. of the stock of the National Historical Archive and the archives of scientific institutions of Belarus, St. Petersburg archive of scientific and technical documentation, Polish Museum of the History of Agriculture and selskagaspadarchyh industry in Poznan, as well as the republic's libraries, private collections and collections.

Photo - Museum of the History of Horticulture in Belarus

    Exposure - Museum of the History of Horticulture in Belarus

    1. Historical and Archaeological chronicles the beginning of Horticulture in Belarus development of Horticulture in Belarus in the early Middle Ages, the state of horticulture in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Russian, Zhemaytiya. The development of fruit growing in the XIV-XVIII centuries.
    2. development of Horticulture in Belarus at the end of XIX- early XX centuries. Belarusian branch of the All-Union Institute of Applied Botany and New Crops. Beginning of systematic research on fruit growing in Belarus in 1931-1941 gg. Fruit of Belarus in 1917-1941 gg. Fruit in Western Belarus. Development of Horticulture in Belarus in 1942-1956 gg. Development of Horticulture in Belarus in 1956-1995 gg. Development of Horticulture in Belarus in 1996-2015 gg.
    3. The modern period of Horticulture in Belarus research on storage and processing of fruits and berries in Belarus. Division of implementation and marketing. Beekeeping and scientific support in Belarus.
    4. Development of the regional fruit growing in Belarus the history of development of the regional fruit growing in Belarus.
    5. Gardening in heraldry and Faleristics the old garden tools. Instruments for horticulture.

    Schedule Museum of the History of Horticulture in Belarus

    Location map - Museum of the History of Horticulture in Belarus

    Address 223013, Republic of Belarus, Minsk region, pos. Samokhvalovichy Str. Kovalëva 2 GPS Google: 53.738616′ N, 53.738616′ E