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Archaeological Museum Upper Town

To book a tour
Type: Archeological The exhibition: 1 Location: Minsk, Minsk region

The exposition is located in a building designed over the archaeological site of 2007-2008. with arched foundations of the outbuildings of the Bernardine monks of the early 18th century.

The visual history of Minsk is captured in one and a half thousand authentic items from the collection of the Museum of the History of the City of Minsk.

The main exhibits are artifacts from archaeological research of the monasteries and shopping arcades of the Upper Town, Zybitskaya, Cyril and Methodius, Nemiga and other parts of the historical center of Minsk. Most of the items were discovered in the 1980s-2010s. during the "rescue" excavations (archaeologists Zayats Yu.A., Kolosovsky Yu.V., Koshman V.I., Medvedev A.M., Rusov P.A., Sobol V.E., Tarasov S.V., Trusov O.A., Shtykhov G.V. and others). Before becoming exhibits, many finds were conserved (restorers Zhitkevich M.V., Smantser D.V.).

Photo - Archaeological Museum Upper Town

    Exposure - Archaeological Museum Upper Town

    1. Minsk. Upper city. Archaeological Museum Exposition «Minsk. Upper city. Archaeological Museum» introduces the history of the Upper Town and surrounding areas. In the XII - XIII centuries. on the territory of the Upper City there was a trade and craft settlement. In the XVI - XVIII centuries. after receiving the Magdeburg Law, the Upper Town became the new administrative center of the city and the place of residence of the city nobility. Visitors are offered a journey into the world of things of the 12th – 19th centuries, including bone combs and kopoushka, iron arrowheads and spears, keys and locks, jewelry of the 10th – 19th centuries, leather shoes of menmen and menchuks and many other items from the daily life of the citizens of Minsk .

    Schedule Archaeological Museum Upper Town

    • Administration 09.00 - 18.00 weekend Saturday, Sunday
    • Cash 11.00 - 18.30 weekend Monday, Tuesday
    • Exposure 11.00 - 19.00 weekend Monday, Tuesday

    Location map - Archaeological Museum Upper Town

    Address 220030 Minsk, st. Cyril and Methodius, 6 GPS Google: 53.90518′ N, 53.90518′ E