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Honey Museum

To book a tour
Type: Natural History The exhibition: 2 Location: Vitebsk region

The Museum of Honey opened its doors for the first time in August 2020, on the day of the celebration of the Honey Savior. The initiator of the creation was the head of the peasant farm «Honey Family».

The museum encourages people to love and protect the nature around us, to enjoy communicating with it through bees. Various materials collected from different parts of our country were used to create the museum.

When you visit the honey museum, you will learn the history of beekeeping from the very beginning, see beehives of both the old design and the most modern ones, consider beekeeping equipment and equipment, herbariums and honey plant seeds, as well as honey samples.

Photo - Honey Museum

    Exposure - Honey Museum

    1. Hives the museum presents both the beehives of the old design (boards, deck chairs, etc.), as well as the most modern ones, which are used in most industrial apiaries
    2. Beekeeping inventory The museum department includes apiary inventory and equipment, herbariums and seeds of honey plants, honey samples.

    Schedule Honey Museum

    • Administration 8.00 - 17.00 weekend Saturday, Sunday
    • Cash 9.00 - 18.00 without days off
    • Exposure 9.00 - 18.00 without days off

    Location map - Honey Museum

    Address 211188, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk., Lepel district, village Domzheritsy, st. Central, 3 GPS Google: 54.7463′ N, 54.7463′ E