News : Program Maslenitsa festivities in Strochitsy
Program Maslenitsa festivities in Strochitsy
19-January-2020Maslenitsa — ancient Slavic holiday, which symbolizes the seeing off of winter and the joyful expectation of spring. At this time, conduct mass rides from the hills, dances, folk singing, make bonfires. Also, the main tradition is burning stuffed doll at the stake. This symbolizes the departure of a winter.
In the event program February 29th:
- Pancake week with prizes;
- biggest «Mara» in the vicinity of Minsk;
- performances of famous folk groups;
- Maslenitsa games and fun for children and adults;
- conducting various workshops for adults and children.
And the whole February-March 2020 Museum of Folk Architecture and Life «Strochitsy» invites you to an interesting vacation in the picturesque surroundings of the open-air museum, where everyone can take part in interactive programs «Walking Oiler» and «Avlas Holidays pancakes las».
The museum can be visited as part of excursion «Strochitsy» - Belarusian State Museum of Folk Architecture and Life.