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- Belarusian mosaic
Excursion subject: Holy places excursions, Animation
Kind: Bus-Walking tours
Language of training: Russian
You visit the most significant cult sights of the West: A Troitsk church in the settlement of Gervyaty which is called «small Switzerland» and «the Belarusian Notre Dame», the church of the Mother of God of Ruzhantsova more than once destroyed and restored almost from scratch, St. Arkhistratiga Mikhail's church. All of them personify the most refined architectural styles of various eras. Majestic temples, great people, the fine nature – all this is collected for you in one travel.
The excursion program - Belarusian mosaic
Moving in Zalese (105 km)
Palace and Park Ensemble in Zalesie - Oginsky manor
Michal Kleofas Oginski – musician - author of the world famous polonaise «Farewell to the Motherland» and the music of the Polish anthem «Poland is not yet lost», revolutionary, statesman an activist, a refined aristocrat, a tireless patriot, a warrior, a historian, a family man, a boudoir ladies' man and even an eternal debtor... Of the 68 years lived byMichal Kleofas, almost a third - 20 years - were spent in Zalesie. The hospitable family ofMichal Kleofasalways welcomes guests to the estate. Just like several centuries ago, balls are held here, the batley theater holds performances, and aspiring poets present their poems to the public. -
Moving in Smorgon (14 km)
Church of St. Archangel Michael in Smorgon
The Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Smorgon is a majestic Neo-Gothic temple that captivates with its beauty and history. Tall spires, exquisite stained glass windows, and a unique atmosphere attract travelers seeking to touch the past. -
Moving in Soly (18 km)
Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ruzhenсevoj in Soly
The very impressive appearance of the church certainly makes an impression. Asymmetrical and graceful, it is unlike any other temple. A graceful and elegant embodiment of the Art Nouveau style. Let's take a look inside - very non-trivial fresco scenes will not leave you indifferent. Defense of the Jasnogorsk Monastery in Częstochowa in 1655 during the Swedish invasion of the territory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the «Miracle over the Vistula» from the Soviet-Polish War 1919- 1921 Do you know where the armistice agreement was signed between Germany and then Soviet Russia? Welcome to Soli. -
Moving in Ostrovets (23 km)
Church of St. Cosma and Domian in Ostrovec
It was here, in Ostrovets, in 1474 that Dominican monks appeared for the first time on the territory of modern Belarus. The Church of Cosmas and Domian was erected in conjunction with the Dominican monastery. How far did the monks and the temple, which has existed for 6 centuries, go? You will learn about this and much more on the excursion. -
Moving in Gervyaty (20 km)
Trinity Church in Gervyaty
On one of the remaining islands of the Lithuanian population in Belarus, guests are amazed by one of the tallest churches in the country. An architectural masterpiece in the neo-Gothic style reminiscent of the temple ofNotre-Dame de Paris. The marvelous landscape emphasizes and complements its appearance. A 100-year-old organ sounds in the interiors of a consistent style. -
Moving in Minsk (170 km)
➥The end of the tour
Map of the tour route Belarusian mosaic
Traveller's reviews
11-August-2024 До приезда в Беларусь была запланировано несколько туров, это отставили на последок и не разу об этом не пожалели. Действующие костёлы и театрализованное представление в усадьбе оставили ноту настроения лирической.. Обязательно воспользуемся услугами туроператора при последующих посещения страны
09-July-2022 Экскурсия "Белорусская мозаика". Ездим на экскурсии с вашей компанией не первый год, а точнее с 2014. Всегда было очень приятно общаться со специалистами туристической компании «Автоматизированные технологии туризма». И в этот раз начальник экскурсионного отдела Диана Никулина была на высоте! Т.к
23-April-2022 Все очень понравилось