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Tour Dipriz Park and Mir Castle

Book a tour The excursion program

Route: MinskMirBaranovichiMinsk
Distance: 310 km
Duration: 10:00 hour
Kind: Bus-Walking tours
Language of training: Russian, Belarusian

Mir Castle is one of the four sights of Belarus, included in the UNESCO cultural heritage list. Located in the urban village of Mir, Grodno region. After an excursion to the Mir Castle, an amazing place awaits you - Dipriz Park. Once in the park, you will find yourself in a fairy tale. Beautiful and cute animals live on the territory of the complex. Walking through the park is a delight for both children and adults.

The excursion program

The excursion program - Dipriz Park and Mir Castle

  • Moving
    Moving in Mir (114 km)
  • Museum
    Museum Mir Castle Complex
    Mir castle complex is a historical and cultural monument of national importance, which in 2000 was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, and in 2011 it was given the status of an independent museum. On the area of 2800 m2 38 permanent expositions were located. They characterize the history that took place within the castle walls from the moment of its construction. Archaeological finds, objects of everyday life, documents, hunting trophies are presented in its halls and underground, the restored interiors of the castle owners from Ilinichi to Svyatopolk-Mirsky amaze by their greatness.
    Professional guides give exciting excursions for guests, including theatrical, wich immerse tourists in the atmosphere of an ancient castle, where you can find out how its life was arranged - go down to a penny-room, a weight room and a kitchen.
    Musical and knight festivals, as well as arts and handicrafts festivals are traditionally held on the grounds of the Castle Complex.
  • Moving
    Moving in Baranovichi (62 km)
  • Attraction
    Attraction Zoo landscape park «Dipriz»
    «Dipriz» is a landscape park with free-living and gullible animals, a refined and well-equipped territory, excellent service and an incredible atmosphere. Ornamental birds and rare animals live on the territory of 200 hectares, as well as all kinds of trees that grow in Belarus are planted.
  • Moving
    Moving in Minsk (147 km)
  • The end of the tour

Map of the tour route Dipriz Park and Mir Castle