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The Church of Transfiguration in Logishin

Type: Churches Style: Retrospective -russian Date of Foundation: 1 century Status: Regional value Republic of Belarus, Brest region, Pinsk district, Logishin village

The Transfiguration Church in Logishine is a monument retrospective-russian style. It was built in the second half of the 19th century of brick on the site of a wooden church.

The Transfiguration Church has a canonical composition consists of a prayer hall, the refectory, the belfry and the apse. The church has a belfry. The temple has 5 domes on the roof. The main and side entrances look like portals.

Individual and corporate excursions - The Church of Transfiguration in Logishin

Location map - The Church of Transfiguration in Logishin

Address Republic of Belarus, Brest region, Pinsk district, Logishin village GPS Google: 52.338381′ N, 25.990906′ E