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Palace of Butrimovich

Type: Palaces Style: Classicism, Baroque Date of Foundation: 1784 - 1790 yy Status: Republican value Pinsk, Lenin Street, 44

Palace Butrimovich, which was built in 1794 on the main street of Pinsk, deserves special attention. This architecture is in transition from baroque to classicism. The palace has the elements of Baroque. There are concave curved contours of the angular parts, the oval shape of the main hall, the traditional division of the facade into two tiers and the contrast in their decorative treatment.

The palace is symmetrical. Three buildings make a front yard. Medium building is reserved for ceremonial rooms, side - for living rooms and offices. From the side of the river the building is represented by a small ceremonial courtyard, the facade has a more intimate nature. The decoration of palace interiors in general the baroque, but there are elements of classical architecture.
There are the Palace of Pioneers in the palace now

The founder of the great family was a major financier and statistician of Poland Mateusz Butrimovich (1745-1814), who was involved in the organization of industry in Polesie, directed the work on construction and the Royal Oginski (Dnepr-Bug) channels. Butrimovich comes from an old noble family. He studied at the Jesuit College Pinsk. Later in the military service the young man proved himself worthy and was seen hetman of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Mikhail Kazimir Oginski, who became his lifelong patron.

Butrimovich was a grandfather of the famous artist, musician and composer Napoleon Orda. This active and influential man established trade with Warsaw, built dams, upgraded urban roads, proposed to connect the Pina and Mukhavets artificial channel.

Individual and corporate excursions - Palace of Butrimovich

Location map - Palace of Butrimovich

Address Pinsk, Lenin Street, 44 GPS Google: 52.114804′ N, 26.113333′ E