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Museum-manor of the Mickiewiczes «Zavosse»

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Type: Palaces, Objects of culture Date of Foundation: 1993 - 1998 yy Status: Regional value Republic of Belarus, Brest region, Baranovichi district, Zaosie village

Adam Mickiewicz is a Polish poet, essayist, leader of the national liberation movement in Poland. He is one of three greatest Polish poets of the Romantic era, along with Juliusz Slowacki and Zygmunt Krasinski. However in Belarus, Adam Mickiewicz is considered the national Belarusian writer who was creating his works in Polish. The most famous of his poems are «Konrad Wallenrod», «Dzyady», «Pan Tadeusz» and many others.

The farm Zaosse is a place where Adam Mickiewicz was born on the night of Catholic Christmas in 1798. He later became one of the greatest romantic poets in the world. This land is closely connected with the Mickiewiczes. Before the writer”s birth it was the property of his grandfather”s brother, then - his father”s sister. The parents of Adam Mickiewicz belonged to small Lithuanian gentry and they did not have any lands. The writer”s father was a lawyer, and soon the Mickiewiczes moved to Novogrudok because there were more jobs in the city.

The estate in its original form had existed till the Second World War. Since A. Mitskevich times in the complex have remained only an old lime and a small pond.

At the writer”s anniversary in 1998 year a museum was built in Zavosse on the territory where once the Adam Mickiewicz”s estate was situated. It was constructed in the typical Belarusian architectural style. As the base for construction of estate interior were taken the poem «Pan Tadeusz», written by Adam Mickiewicz, and the drawings of E. Pavlovich, Napoleon Orda, Andrioli. Thanks to this fact today visiting the museum-estate you can feel the atmosohere of the past and at the same time to trace back the life history of the famous writer.

The complex «Zaosse» has the layout of a traditional gentry farm of the late XVIII - early XIX centuries. In the center there is a house. Opposite it there are ambarets, a shed and a barn. There is also a well, a cellar and a sauna on the bank of a small pond. In the halls of the manor house there is a literary-documentary exhibition «Pan Tadeusz returns». It tells visitors the story of the farm.

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Photo - Museum-manor of the Mickiewiczes «Zavosse»

Location map - Museum-manor of the Mickiewiczes «Zavosse»

Address Republic of Belarus, Brest region, Baranovichi district, Zaosie village GPS Google: 53.278648′ N, 26.115392′ E