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Polonechkovsky palace and park ensemble

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Type: Parks, squares, Palaces Style: Empire style Date of Foundation: 1750 - 1850 yy Status: Regional value Republic of Belarus, Brest region, Baranovichi district, Polonechka

Polonechkovsky palace and park ensemble - an architectural monument of the XVIII classicism - the beginning of XIX century. An important cultural and educational center in the Belarusian lands at that time. Storage location rich library, an archive, a numismatic collection.

The construction of the palace in Polonechke began in the second half of the XVIII century on the order of Matej Radziwill - the famous composer and playwright, the author of the opera «Agatka, or the arrival of lord». They built a palace for example Trivulzino villa on Como Lake, which is located near the Italian town of Bellagio.

In the external design of the palace in Polonechka were used so-called herms - four-sided column, completed a sculpture of the head of the ancient Greek hero or a philosopher. These colonies were isolated palace among other architectural monuments of Belarus and make it unique - nowhere else in our land, you will not find anything like this.

When Matej Radziwill Polonechka experiencing its first heyday. This small village became a major cultural center, which is often visited by celebrity guests. For example, in 1777 in Polonechka visited the famous Russian writer D. Fonvizin, who left on this occasion, the following entry in his diary: «Aug. 29 came to dine at a place Polonechko to Radziwill. We were very well received in the house of the owner. Lunch Good for silver, and the best wines».

During the partition of Poland Maciej Radziwill, as a true patriot of his country, he gave all their immovable property in the ownership of Grand Duchy of Lithuania Army. After the Belarusian lands finally ceded to Russia, Polonechki owner moved to the Prussian part of Poland, where he died in 1800. According to the will, the palace became the heir to his son Constantine, in which Polonechka experienced a rebirth.

According to the Order of Constantine the palace was rebuilt in the Empire style. The interior decoration of the walls mirror coatings have been used to create a sense of the vastness of space. The interiors are decorated with priceless works of art - it is kept of the genera Radziwills art galleries, as well as the numismatic collection and a rich library.

The palace was surrounded by Park, which is divided into regular (French) and landscape (English). A feature of the first part of the park was originally trimmed trees and bushes. «English» as part consisted of four terraces, which went down to the river bank. Before the palace were set sundial, and the central avenue leading to a wooden chapel-tomb.

And again Polonechka opened its doors to the famous political and cultural figures of the time, and the owner of the manor became interested in research activities. His «statistical sketch of Novogrudok district» and «Ethnographic information about the inhabitants of Novogrudok district» and today are of interest to scientists.

After Konstantin death in 1869 his son Matej, who inherited the estate in Polonechka, who did not want to move to her father's house: he moved all the values of the residence in his estate Polonechke Zagzhe near Warsaw. And only in the late XIX century Radziwill returned to Polonechku. Dedovsk estate had at heart his grandson Constantine Radziwill - Albert Stanislav, who lived here before the First World War. On his orders were changed interiors of the palace, attached winter garden in neo-Gothic style. Also completed was a wide staircase, which gave the palace even more magnificent view.

In 1919, Stanislaw Albert emigrated to America, and the owner of the palace in Polonechka was his nephew, Vladislav, who lived there until 1939. During the Second World War the palace was badly damaged in Polonechka, but, oddly enough, was restored. Within its walls housed a boarding school. Has been completely redesigned layout: windows bricked up in the gallery, a greenhouse was dismantled, removed the coat of arms with the main facade of the Radziwill family. Part of the park was built up. In the 90 years due to the long absence of major repairs in the building of the roof collapsed. Boarding school moved to another place, and Palace have been abandoned.

Today, the palace remained the main box of the building, some of the elements of external decoration. Miraculously survived six herms who originally made the palace is unique.

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Location map - Polonechkovsky palace and park ensemble

Address Republic of Belarus, Brest region, Baranovichi district, Polonechka GPS Google: 53.344192′ N, 26.258283′ E