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Hillfort of Myadel

Type: Archaeological monuments Date of Foundation: 13 century Status: Regional value Republic of Belarus, Minsk region, Myadel

Location Myadel in antiquity attributed not to the north-eastern shore of Lake Myastro and to the shores of the lake of the same name, which is located in the north Myadel area.

Settlement residents at the time were both on the lake and on the islands. Lake greatly influenced the lives of people in ancient times. In peacetime it was a source of food production, and the danger of the enemy during the inhabitants ancient Myadel hiding on an island castle, which in addition to man-made fortifications, was closed on all sides by the lake. Through the skillful use of natural terrain, local residents feel there safely protected.

Three islands on the lake Myadel up a common set of fortifications. The largest of these area is called Castle which clearly points to the existence here once a defensive construction. There is island on the north-east that called Gorodok. The name indicates the existence of a settlement here before. The third island was named Ukleyno (Kiselev).

Mound Island Castle was the most fortified of the settlements. The site has an oval shape measuring 52 x 70 m. The pit goes around on the north-western side of the site, which has a height of 20 m and a depth of about 5 m.

Wooden walls were part of a defensive complex settlement. It was on top of the shaft. All major buildings were behind the walls of the settlement and it were also made of wood.

The cultural layer of the settlement reaches 2.43 m. The layer consists of three main horizons:

  • Top is gray with rich small stones, pieces of wash, charcoal, bones of birds, fish, wildlife and pets.
  • Medium consists of an off-white, red, and underneath gumusovanoy gray clay.
  • The lowest horizon is black and it keeps the material X-XIII centuries.
  • Island Castle on the lake is the site of the ancient Myadel Myadel.

    Location map - Hillfort of Myadel

    Address Republic of Belarus, Minsk region, Myadel GPS Google: 54.937865′ N, 26.864875′ E