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Photo - Kushlyany

Status: Village The year of foundation: XVI век Grodno region, Smorgon district

Location - Kushlyany

Kushlyany - an urban village in Smorgon district of Grodno region, located around a small picturesque lake. The settlement is located in 20 km west of Smorgon and in 232 km from Grodno. In 7 km from Kushlyan is the railway station Soly.

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History of the development - Kushlyany

It is preserved some information about the history of the village Kushlyany. The most ancient mention of Kushlyany dates back to 1581. In the XVI century, the main part of the settlement, formerly called Dorgishki, belonged to the Dorgovich family. In the XVI-XVIII centuries Kushlyany were a place with a small number of courtyards (about 50) and a small population. After section of the Commonwealth at the end of the XVIII Kushlyany, like many other Belarusian lands, were joined to the Russian Empire. The main buildings of the village were wooden houses of the manor type. However, most of them were destroyed during the Great Patriotic War.
In the second half of the 20th century, as the country was restored after the war, new wooden houses were built in Kushlan and a collective farm was formed.
Today there are several manor complexes and a beautiful picturesque park on the territory of the village.

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Tourism potential - Kushlyany

The main attraction of the village of Kushlyany is the patrimonial Bogushevich manor which was originally built in 1896 and fully restored in the 1980s. The famous Belarusian writer Frantisek Bogushevich spent here the last years of his life. The manor in the village of Kushlyany, perfectly conveying the atmosphere of the end of the XIX century, it is an architectural monument of this time and historical and cultural value of Belarus.

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Where to go in the Kushlyany? All about restaurants, entertainment and other services

Individual and corporate excursions - Kushlyany