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Beriyosa historical- ethnographic museum

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Type: Local History The exhibition: 3 Location: Bereza, Brest region

Beriyosa historical- ethnographic museum opened in 1963 as a historical and revolutionary museum. Renamed in 1993 Berezovsky History Museum. March 31, 2008 granted the status of a legal entity. Registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities as cultural institution "Berezovsky History Museum" by order of registration of the Directorate of Justice of the Brest Regional Executive Committee number 15 on March 31, 2008. Berezovsky profile of the museum as the local history indicates the direction of its activities - collection, processing, storage and demonstration of local history material relating to all periods of history Berezovsky district. The museum is housed in two buildings of the demonstration area of ​​422.4 m2 halls. The total number of museum objects on 01.07.2013 is 32035, of which the main fund is 19705, auxiliary science is 12 197. The exhibits are in the 3 permanent and 6 temporary mobile exhibitions. The exposition is arranged chronologically, thematically connected and performs the following functions: a study (familiarity of the population with a history of his native land through the demonstration of the exhibited material), educational and patriotic (instills interest in the heritage of the region, has a sense of patriotic pride and love for their homeland), consulting supporting (a source of information on the history of Berezovsky District for scientists studying the general history of Belarus, as well as for students who are engaged in research in the field of local history), is additional visual material on the history of the area for secondary school students. March 1, 2012 after an overhaul in Berezovsky historical museum opened part of a new exhibition that covers the land Berezovsky from primitive society to the beginning of the XVII century, as well as showing the life of the village of Birch-Kartuzskaya period XVII century to the middle of the XX century. The work on the decoration of the hall on the theme "Berezovschina during the Great Patriotic War".

In 2009 Berezovsky historical museum I place and was awarded a Diploma of I degree in the Republican contest for the best museum of the year for patriotic education. In 2012 Berezovsky History Museum was recognized as winner of the "Museum of Belarus - the third millennium" in the nomination "The best museum on the organization of cultural and educational activities" and was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Culture.

In order to introduce new activities at the museum attached to the rich history, culture and traditions of their native land, raising national awareness and interest in the historical heritage of the research staff of the museum are designed and implemented new forms of work with visitors as a museum and educational activities, "Lessons in the forest underground school", "Beryozovka and fair", "Where did shirt", "How the bread came to the table", "Tradition of chivalry", "Secrets of the Native Land", "Children and War", "Icons - holy Orthodoxy". Of cultural events are held in the museum: "Night at the Museum", dedicated to the International Day of Museums, educational program "The traditions of the Belarusian Popular Culture in the museum environment", "From the sources of national heritage", "Through the pages of holy days", visiting tourist and educational tour "Monuments Berezovschiny"; project for honeymooners "Good photo on a good memory", project "Know Berezovsky edge".

The Berezovsky Museum of Local History has a branch in its structure - the Art Gallery. It was opened in July 2004. It was housed in the building of the Red Barracks, built in the 19th century. The activity of the branch of the museum is mainly aimed at hosting exhibitions of masters of folk art, children's works, personal exhibitions of artists not only from Berezovsky, Brest and Minsk, but also from the CIS countries, as well as far abroad. Every year, 14-15 exhibitions are organized in the branch of the Museum «Art Gallery», including those of foreign embassies in the Republic of Belarus.

Photo - Beriyosa historical- ethnographic museum

    Exposure - Beriyosa historical- ethnographic museum

    1. ”The history of Berezovsky land from primitive society to the beginning of the XVII century” for clarity and a better perception of the diorama shows a primitive parking period, the Middle Bronze Age, the example of which the terms appear in the dynamics of life, the life and activities of prehistoric man. The complex also includes illustrations - map of archaeological sites Berezovschiny, display tools, pieces of jewelry, clothing items 7 th century BC - 9th century BC, the objects of culture and life of the ancient Slavs, found during excavations in the area. Of particular interest to visitors are the following rarities. It's a piece of amber weighing 518 grams, was found in 2004 in a career number 4 CSI - only find such a weight in Belarus. Mammoth tooth (VII-IV millennium BC. E.), Found in the vicinity of Birch in 1980, as well as a treasure of Roman denarii period I-II centuries BC. e., discovered near the village of Pubs in 1994, which in its historical value is related to the treasures of the first category in the Republic of Belarus. Subject and and exhibition complex "Ancient City zdit" is dedicated to the history of the oldest settlements on the territory of Berezovschiny and one of the oldest cities in Belarus, which is mentioned in chronicles in 1252. And according to the latest figures for the first time is listed in the "charters on the basis of Turov bishopric" in 1005.
    2. ”Life-town Birch Kartuzskaya period XVII century to the middle of the twentieth century” is dedicated to the events of the period of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the history of Berezovsky District, talks about the construction of the monastery of the Order of the Carthusians Bereza, its role in the development of the city as Birch, as well as other events that took place in the district in chronological order until 1941. Of particular interest are exhibited here icons XVIII century - the gift of Brest customs; city seal Malech, 1792, which in 1645 received the Magdeburg Law; Gutieva's painting, which depicts the talks of Peter I and the Polish King August II in the Carthusian monastery; hoard of coins ON period, found near the village of Bronnaja Mountain; clothing and jewelry the gentry; insignia officers 151st Infantry Regiment, Pyatigorsk, personal belongings of the famous natives Birch - President of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, PO Gorin, Christmas Carols, secretary of the Communist Youth League of Western Belarus Anatoly Olszewski and others; awards heroes of the First World War and other artifacts. A separate unit is dedicated to the history of the concentration camp Kartuz-Birch, which existed in the Red Barracks from 1934 to 1939, with a demonstration of print and photographic materials, as well as other exhibits relating to the existing regime of violence here. This so-called "Kostka" - a stone slab weighing 50 kilograms, which were made prisoners for paving roadways and sidewalks, the memories of prisoners of the camp, a folder with the places on their personal affairs, clothing prisoners, models batons and handcuffs. Presented as books telling about the sinister page in the history of Birches: "They knelt down", "Run march", "Berezyatsy", "concentration camp in Bereza-Kartuzskaya in 1934-39". For better disclosure of stories in the exposure concentration within the designated area showing the general form of the camp, lockup, police corridor, etc.
    3. ”Borough Birch-Kartuzskaya in XIX - early XX century” despite the fact that the Birch-Kartuzskaya was a typical provincial town, in the XX century, it is far ahead of neighboring towns in the socio-economic development and been a leader both on demographic status, and level of development of industry and trade in the region. It was at this time are prerequisites for the development of the town as a future candidate for the role of the district center. Therefore advisable showing the life and culture of the period in the emerging urban settlement, which was famous for its fairs and Jewish stalls where local people could buy goods nascent industry. The exhibition shows a view of the shop with the goods of the period, and the type of market series and the inn, which is always open in crowded places. Also shown are the products Berezovsky native crafts, small-town feel of a room at home with pieces of furniture and household goods in the temporary segment. Other than products of artisans and other exhibits of special value are exposed ancient books in 1862 and other years of publication, several volumes of the "Great Encyclopedia", is authorized for publication tsarist censorship in 1904, books and calendars Belarusian 20-ies of XX century and other literature.

    Schedule Beriyosa historical- ethnographic museum

    • Administration 10:00 - 19:00 weekend Monday, Tuesday
    • Cash 10:00 - 18:30 weekend Monday, Tuesday
    • Exposure 10:00 - 19:00 weekend Monday, Tuesday

    Location map - Beriyosa historical- ethnographic museum

    Address 225209, Republic of Belarus, Brest region. Bereza, Lenin st., 67 GPS Google: 52.53302′ N, 52.53302′ E