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Gantsevichi district ethnographic museum

To book a tour
Type: Local History The exhibition: 9 Location: Gantsevichi, Brest region

Gantsevichi district museum was created January 1, 1997. Open to visitors year 20.10.2002 to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Belarusian classic Kolas. The museum is one of the attractions of the city Gancevichi, it takes a wooden house on the street Zaslonova. The museum has one exhibition and four exhibition halls with a total area of ​​146 m demo ², there are 18 permanent exhibitions. Today the museum - a rich collection of objects that are of great cultural and historical significance for this Polesski edge. As of January 1, 2013 in the museum, there were 5648 subjects (2747 - general fund, 2901 - scientific support). The chronological framework of museum objects from the III millennium BC (Stone Age) to the present day. Each year, funds are increased by 250-300 units. Great assistance in the completion of the collections have locals. Funds of the museum consists of seven collections. The quality and completeness of distinguished ethnographic, numismatic collection and documentary photographs.

In the exhibition hall themed exhibition. Museum staff has developed several projects, the sale of which is actively working: "Natural Heritage Gantsevschiny," "Raiders of the Lost," "Saved Values", "Gancevichi: Yesterday and Today", "Gantsevschina 1941-1944" and "Christian holiness Gantsevschiny" . These projects are master-classes, museum and teaching hours, sightseeing excursions to the places of war graves, the lessons of courage. Organized cooperation with the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Brest. Established contacts with the diplomatic missions of the People's Republic of China, Japan, the Islamic Republic of Iran. The evidence for this - the exhibition "Window to Heaven," "Traditions and Culture of Japan", "The Iranian hand-crafts."

The museum was awarded the Diploma for 3rd place in the category "Art and Culture" at the exhibition Tibo-2011 for the official website Hantsavichy District Local History Museum, Diploma for participation in the First National Forum "Museums of Belarus" 2012, Diploma in the nomination "Best Museum" for its performance in 2005 from the Department of Culture of the Brest Regional Executive Committee, 2006; Diploma of the second degree in the national contest in spite of the best museum, on the patriotic education of youth in the "Museum and the new educational program for youth patriotic education "2009.

Of cultural activities 1-2 times a month is held lecture "Gancevichi: Yesterday and Today", which tells about the main town vehyh development, urban settlement, city Gancevichi. In settlements Hantsavichy area 10 times a year passes museum-pedagogical activity "Historical and cultural heritage Gantsevschiny" - visiting the former estate of the genus Svezhinskih, burial mounds, the former estate of the genus Obukhovich, a holy place Izbiysky Bor. The lakes Hantsavichy area 10 times a year, the museum and pedagogical activity "Lakes Gantsevschiny" - visit the Lakes District: Schilnoe, Mining, Dubovskoe, Red. Museum-pedagogical activity "Natural Heritage Gantsevschiny" offers a tour of the scientific and experimental basis of the Academy "Zhuravinka" hydrological reserve "Podveliky moss." 1 per year in the local history museum passes event "Night of Museums" and meet interesting people (artists, poets, writers, etc.).

Scientific research work carried out in the museum, aimed at a comprehensive study of their district staff. Over the past few years have been studied following topics: "The history of the fire service," "History of the district police department," "Literary Gantsevschina", "History and the formation of Gancevichi", "The history of railways in the Gantsevschine", "Christian shrines Gantsevschiny" , "Natural Heritage Gantsevschiny" etc.

Photo - Gantsevichi district ethnographic museum

    Exposure - Gantsevichi district ethnographic museum

    1. archaeological excavation sites of Stone and Bronze Ages in Hantsavichy district. Presented tools, jewelry, pieces of crockery, found in burial mounds Gantsevschiny.
    2. is dedicated to forests and swamps, rivers and lakes, their flora and fauna.
    3. has interesting documents and photographs depicting the town Gancevichi in 1890-1930's. There are souvenir glass balls made ​​at the glass of William Julius Krajewski and Stolle. Also here is one of the most interesting exhibits - the wall clock donated personally by Emperor Alexander III for the good work the railway station master Malkovich Clement of Alexandrovich Krupenichu.
    4. presented folk costumes, colorful woven handbrake, blankets and belts, household items. Also here you can see the corner of a peasant's hut with the reproduction of a situation of a century ago.
    5. unique Klirovye statements Budchanskoy Transfiguration Church 1914-1925, manuscripts fellow poets and other documents.
    6. Photos of Gantsevschine 1930s, 1950s, 1980s.
    7. are loose change and commemorative coins; faleristics items. The pride of the collection - the icons of Hero of Socialist Labor Shapoval Viktor Pavlovich "XXX Congress of the Communist Party," "XXX Congress of the CPB", "XXXI Congress of the CPB."
    8. paintings by local artists, icons XVIII-XX centuries, the picture VV Urodnich "In the fields of reclamation Gantsevschiny".
    9. а ware collection includes objects of ethnography, clothing, household goods and personal belongings of famous people Gantsevschiny. In the hall of the "History" exhibits tell of the guerrilla struggle in the region during World War II, about the postwar Gantsevschine, the cultural, literary, sporting and economic life of these places. Land where Jakub worked Colas and Alexander Serzhputovsky and sowed a galaxy of scholars, poets and writers, among them Michas Rudkovskii, Ivan Kireychik, Vladimir Maruk, Victor Gordo, Ales Casco, Ivan Logvinovich and Ales Kozhedub. In Gantsevichi perpetuated the memory of the journalist and writer Vasily Proskurova. A separate exhibition devoted to the popular poet and writer of Belarus Yakub Coloso, on Gantsevschine in the village Lyusin began his teaching career.

    Schedule Gantsevichi district ethnographic museum

    • Administration 09:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday
    • Cash 09:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday
    • Exposure 09:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday

    Location map - Gantsevichi district ethnographic museum

    Address 225432, Republic of Belarus, Brest region, g.Gantsevichi, Zaslonova st., 1 GPS Google: 52.763545′ N, 52.763545′ E