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Lepel district ethnographic museum

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Type: Local History The exhibition: 5 Location: Lepel, Vitebsk region

Lepel district ethnographic museum was established November 4, 1953. The exposition of the museum area 286 m2. The museum is housed in a wooden building, the former offices of the Berezina water system of the XIX century. On 1 January 2008, the museum is stored 17612 general fund of museum items and 8049 items of scientific support fund. The most numerous collections of photographs and documents that reflect the important pages in the history of the city and Lepel district.

Of considerable interest are photo cards Lepel photographer Fidelman beginning of the XX century with views of the city Lepel, photos and documents telling about the famous horticulturist I.K. Frost (XIX - XX centuries), Artists Lepel collective and state theater (1938-1941), Berezina water system. Diverse material of the Great Patriotic War. This album Lepel mortar schools, materials about the Heroes of the Soviet Union V.E. Lobankov, F.F.Dubrovskom, V.S.Kladieve, A.F.Danukalove and other partisans and underground fighters, participants Lepel liberation from Nazi invaders. There are books of XVIII - early XX centuries religious and secular. The collection includes numismatic coins, paper money, medals, badges, tokens of different times and countries: the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Polish- Lithuanian Commonwealth, Moscow Russia, Prussia, Russia, USSR, Germany, Poland, Hungary and other many-sided and many-sided a collection of things: you can see the state, official and personal printing XIX-XX centuries. Including stone seal of the Franciscan Order of the XVIII century, Gentry - ring seal (Signet) XVIII century. Stored household items: wicker, metal, earthenware and pottery, folk costume Lepel down, wear a priest, the wedding dress of the late XIX century, Weaving items (handbrake, postilki) icons on various subjects, musical instruments (dulcimer, violin and duda), cameras, Photos and Photo. The collection of stamps of Soviet times. The museum contains more than 1 million units of paintings and drawings as amateur and professional artists, whose life and work are connected with Lepel: F.L.Burceva, A.V.Bukharkina, V.S.Zhernosek, A.V.Ilinova, V.A.Medvetskaya, O.A.Skovorodko, G.F.Shauro, etc. The museum materials of archaeological excavations A.Mitrofanov, L.V.Duchits, V.P.Ksenzova, A.V.Voitekhovich and other archaeological collection covers the period from the Mesolithic yes XVI - XVII centuries: Stone and iron tools (axes, sickles, knives), medieval women's jewelry (bracelets, brass rings, glass beads), clay pots, stone core, inkwell, toys, etc.

Photo - Lepel district ethnographic museum

    Exposure - Lepel district ethnographic museum

    1. hall of nature tells the story of animals and birds Lepel, including the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus. On the territory of the Lepel district is part of the Berezina Biosphere Reserve.
    2. hall of historic past material presented harpoons, stone balls from the fortress in the Land XVI., pottery, iron cannonballs beginning of the XIX century, flintlock, stamped with the emblem of the Order of the Franciscans of the XVIII century, religious books of XVIII-XIX centuries., cymbals and dudami, the material on the history of Berezina water system, the objects of everyday life of peasants and townspeople XIX - early XX centuries.
    3. hall of stories of 20-30 years XX century talks about the establishment of Soviet power in Lepel, collectivization, the development of industry, health and education in the Lepel.
    4. Great Patriotic War materials are introduced to the tragic pages of Nazi occupation. The story of the Lepel mortar and infantry school, the activities of the underground organizations and guerrilla brigades liberation battles of 1944 lepelchanah - participants of the Great Patriotic War.
    5. hall of cultural construction tells the story of honorable citizens Lepel, famous countrymen, the development of health, education, culture and sports in Lepel, lepelchan reflects the participation in military conflicts of the late twentieth century.

    Schedule Lepel district ethnographic museum

    Location map - Lepel district ethnographic museum

    Address 211174, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Lepel, Kalinina st., 66 GPS Google: 54.874804′ N, 54.874804′ E