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Postavy district ethnographic museum

To book a tour
Type: Local History The exhibition: 4 Location: Postavy, Vitebsk region

Postavsky District Local History Museum was founded January 23, 1974 decision of the executive committee Postavsky and settled in the building is an architectural monument of the XVIII century., Former home to races, built in the 60s of the XVIII century podskarbiem the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Earl A. Tyzengauz by Italian architect Giuseppe Sacco and logged into the architectural ensemble of the Market Square. Opened to the public in February 1976. In 1994, the reconstruction of the museum and a new exhibition, which designed the artist Victor Gerasimov Dedenko. The museum has more than 8000 units of the capital stock, more than 6000 units - scientific support fund. The total exhibition area of ​​175 square meters, which are located 17 exposure collections: prints, documents, manuscripts, decorative arts, instruments, apparatus, tools, weapons, musical instruments, clothing, textiles, machinery, painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, film Phonodocuments, numismatics, faleristics.

The research activities of the museum aims to build scientific concepts to create museum exhibits in a former palace Tizengauz, participate in field trips and conferences in the framework of the project "Promotion of tourism on both sides of the border of Lithuania and Belarus in order to improve the attractiveness and accessibility of cultural and historical heritage Rokiskis and Postav areas" № LLB -1 - 003. Writing popular science books and articles, participation in social and educational programs for the Study of the Belarusian language and stories Postavsky edges, etc. A booklet from the "Postavschina" catalogs of artists Victor Barabantseva and Vladimir Rynkevich, color prints of icons Alfred Romer, the book "Memory" Postavsky district. Every year the museum participates in the international festival of folk music "links dulcimer and accordion" that takes connoisseurs and lovers of folk music, not only from the neighbor, but also further afield, popularizing the history of musical creativity in Postav area. With cultural events at the Museum as well be "Night of Museums", museum- pedagogical activity "Bread is king", lecture "What it means to be pastavchaninam?", "Museum on wheels".

Note: Saturday and Sunday the museum is open from 10:00 to 18:00.

Exposure - Postavy district ethnographic museum

  1. department of Nature composition is in the form of diarrhea and is a small window into the world of nature Postavschiny. In the halls you can get acquainted with the flora and fauna Postavschiny, thanks to the numerous stuffed birds and animals, insect collections, herbaria. Has a large mineral collection.
  2. department of history contains archaeological finds 3rd - 2nd millennium BC, XI-XVII с., іron scrapers, knives, awls, stone and iron axes, fragments of pottery found near GP Lyntupy Postavsky district mammoth bones. You can see the archaeological finds of the XVIII century, With the treasure of Dutch thaler and the unit vectors of the XVII century., Solid Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Tartar is a special rarity weapon - stone woman 700-year-old.
  3. Postavschina in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania includes antique maps, prints, tableware, plans of estates, court records, old books, objects and everyday life of the palace interior. The most unique of them - the tapestry of "Vilna Forest" handmade XVIII-XX centuries, а hunting castle. Special attention is paid graphs kind Tyzengauz, owning to put in the XVIII-XIX centuries.
  4. considerable space devoted to famous people, glorified his land before the revolution: A. Gurinovitch, K. Svayaki, Zelenkevich E., A. Romer and others, are exhibited copies and originals items of the period, cash paper signs of tsarist Russia. The material of the St. Petersburg school of cavalry officers, commanded by General Brusilov, based at exactly to put in the years 1900-1914. Reflected in the exhibition and events of World War I, the October Socialist Revolution. A separate section is devoted to the history of Polish Postavschiny period from 1921 to 1939. On political repression by telling Postavschine materials of criminal cases, convictions photos, letters relatives repressed by Stalin, photos, and documents.

Schedule Postavy district ethnographic museum

  • Administration 09:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday
  • Cash 09:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday
  • Exposure 09:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday

Location map - Postavy district ethnographic museum

Address 211875, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Postavy, Lenin Square, 11/2 GPS Google: 55.114152′ N, 55.114152′ E